HDR Compatible?


Jul 14, 2004
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I'm buying a CyberPower computer soon..I added a 6200GT 256MB video card to it...What I need to know is, will that be HDR compatible, and run Lost Coast?

I'm thinking it will, but I never am totally sure...

If not, which ones are able to handle Lost Coast, but for the lower-end of the price spectrum?
You won't know whether it's compatible until the game comes out, but yes the card does support HDR.
6200 or 6600GT? Is there a GT version for the 6200? Because even the 6800 cards take a big hit running HDR, a 6200 would have a lot of trouble I'd imagine.
bosox188 said:
6200 or 6600GT? Is there a GT version for the 6200? Because even the 6800 cards take a big hit running HDR, a 6200 would have a lot of trouble I'd imagine.

Exactly. Unless valve has found an implimentation of HDR that does not use much GPU power then I dont think you will be able to run it well with HDR on.


Seeing benchmarks of the 6200, HL2 it is best played at 1024x768 (at about 45FPS) which is not really a good thing as HDR usually should drop your framerate by about up to 60% of their framerate (judging by SC:CT and Far Cry).

You will probably be able to run lost coast but with HDR? I dont think so but again we all have to wait and see, so it would be best to hold off your PC purchase if you are really worried.
If it plays HL2 at 45 FPS on that..then I'm better off with my card I've got right now..It runs HL2 at about 60 FPS on 1024x768...

NVIDIA Geforce 6200 256MB 8x AGP w/ TVO, & DVI()[+53]
Is the exact copy from it, and my friend said it was probably my best bet for money and compatibility...

I don't have too much money to spend, so I really need to find something cheap but still performs excellently...


This is the one I've configured..
What videocard do you have now?

The 6200 makes HL2 look a lot better then a DX 7 or 8 card so it is probably a lot faster then what you have now. For the money I say go with the 6200. Better yet a 6600GT would perform a lot better but it costs more.

Also I would say go with:

Seagate 80GB 7200RPM Serial ATA 150 8MB Cache

For $5 the 8MB of cache is worth it.
TST_Devgru Seal said:
I have a ATI All-in-Wonder 9600xt 128MB

go for the 6600GT- the 6200 simply isn't worth the money, even if you are trying to save
jondyfun said:
go for the 6600GT- the 6200 simply isn't worth the money, even if you are trying to save

Agreed you wont see enough of an improvement to warrent the purchase. Just use your current card and upgrade when you have the money.
The 9600xt is faster so yeah unless you upgrade to a 6600gt keep it.
Uhh, Just so you guys know, the HDR isnt whats giving a huge performance hit, its the High res textures, bumpmapping etc. the HDR, from what ive read, Actually doesnt give much of a hit to fps. (my guess is 10 or so fps lower.)
[w0f]Oblivion said:
Uhh, Just so you guys know, the HDR isnt whats giving a huge performance hit, its the High res textures, bumpmapping etc. the HDR, from what ive read, Actually doesnt give much of a hit to fps. (my guess is 10 or so fps lower.)

Me agrees. HDR in DoD:S and such will be alot easier to run than Lost Coast.
The problem is, from what I've heard, is you cannot open the case or your warranty is void..So I couldnt really replace the card or anything..I was thinking of getting just the regular 9600xt 256mb card...but i might get the 6600gt if it can handle lost coast...plus ati represents HL2..:p
TST_Devgru Seal said:
The problem is, from what I've heard, is you cannot open the case or your warranty is void..

That can't be right, if that were the case they'd be outta buisiness by now. Also, not sure if the 6600gt can handle all the high texture rezolutions and what-not. The Valve dude has said countless times that the Lost Coast would require the high end cards (6800, x800 etc..).
Ah..Well to replace something you ahve to send the computer back, and CyberPower would replace what you want upgraded and what-not...
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Ah..Well to replace something you ahve to send the computer back, and CyberPower would replace what you want upgraded and what-not...

Yeh its probably best to do that, I mean I know it sounds alittle over the top, but you want to keep your warrenty.
Indeed it does, but what if you want a part that CyberPower doesn't have..? :p
well besides brand names lol name a part that they dont have that u want
Yeah true, but manufacturers do make a difference...My friend bought a MSI mobo, and has had nothing but problems..I forgot the name of his last one..
I dont know if the facts I am seeing on the cyberpower site are wrong or not, but I've read that Lost Coast will require, at least (at this stage) 1GB or more of RAM, so just thought I would mention it. Also, and I'm aware these facts were not specifically asked for, but I thought the minimum processor spec was between 2.5 and 3GHz, and thus going 3Gig or equivalent would be advisable at this stage, although I would recommend waiting a while before buying a new PC.

Sorry if I dont know what I'm talking about or you knew this already, but I'm sure someone will flame me for it if this is the case.
I've read that even 2 GHz will be fine enough..Really its the video card that matters the most in the case of HDR..
Well, its one thing to see HDR in all its awesomeness, its another thing to see HDR in a slide show. I would advise you to go nuts on the computer, or don't bother, because as I said before, the video card requirement is pretty demanding, and you should also have the RAM and the right processor to do back it up.