HDRI Image Help Needed


Nov 23, 2004
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Hey guys this might be a noobish question but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. Alright I'm trying to go about making an HDRI image from this tutorial http://www.g4tv.com/attackoftheshow/features/51977/HalfLife_2_in_Real_Life.html but the links to the "MDLDecompiler" and "SMD importer" just go to that ggmania site. I have downloaded a MDLDecompiler from a website called cannonfodder I believe but I have no idea on how to get it to work, or where to put it. I always get a "vstdlib.dll was not found" error. So what I want to know is if anyone has a link to a "MDLDecompiler" and "SMD importer" that works, or if you can explain to me how to get this to work. Sorry for the huge thread, hope someone can help.
Cannonfodder made that, so most probably that IS the official site :hmph:
try using studiocompiler, its an updated version of it..with added features.

And next time, try google
crackhead how do I put it in there though, whenever I click on the sourcesdk GCFScape opens and whenever I extract the bin with GCFScape and put it in there it still doesn't work. And I'll look into what you said too entity.
i dont undertand what your saying about gcf scape all you need to do is download mdl decompiler. and copy the exe over to c:\programfiles\valve\steam\steamapps\sourcesdk\bin
John that thread is about setting up HDRI I don't even have the models extracted yet, let alone in 3ds max. And crackhead what I mean is the soursesdk/bins are .gcf's I can't just open them with windows explorer and put them in there. And when I click on them to open them GCFScape opens up and I still can't put them in there. and I've already tried extracting the file with gcfscape and putting it in there and it still does nothing. And that studiocompiler thing "compiles" I need to "decompile", thanks though.


Okay thank you for the tools John still stuck though. I have extracted root/hl2/models then I put the mdldecompiler in say the "combine_camera" folder where there are the texture and .mdl files. I then click on the decompiler and it says "This application has failed to start because vstdlib.dll was not found." So what I need to know is where I put the decompiler, and "HOW to put it there. I'm almost there guys, don't give up on me!
you have to convert the decompiled .mdl file to .smd using the tools i linked to - don't go and decompile again, that wouldnt work for obvious reasons
which decompiler are you using - you know you can decompile straight from gcfscape
I used gcfscape to decompile "half-life 2 content" then I put it on my desktop then I take the mdldecompile tool you gave me and put it in the "combine_camera" folder and then I double click and I get that message. Every tool I'm using is from you, I'm only using the ones you sent me. There's something that you don't understand what I'm saying, or I'm saying it wrong, probably me. I know this can't be this hard, there has to be something I'm doing wrong, something extremelly simple.
lol ok the exact folder i linked you to is a folder you simply place the exe file in there then double click on it. then it opens up and you find your model you decompile it and load up the reference smd it gives you. then using gcf scap you need to extract the texture for that model convert that into a tga somehow theres probally software. then load that into the scene. its more that your not understanding what im saying. there is a pac file that is called sourcesdk\bin but theres also a folder. ive just realised that you probly dont have the sdk installed do you. install that and then do what ive told you.
Nope I have the sdk file crackhead



Okay okay okay, this is the one problem I have and can't get past "How do I put the "mdldecompiler" into the sourcesdk.gcf/bin" do I decompile(with GCFScape), put the mdldecompiler, and then compile it? I've tried decompiling(with GCFScape) and putting it(mdldecompiler) in then clicking on it, I've tried dragging and dropping(the mdldecompiler into the sourcesdk), I've even tried a command to directly open the folder and nothing. Or to at least get to a simple start, Is the first thing I do decompile the sourcesdk/bin?with (GCFScape) or am I not decompiling(with GCFScape) that at all. lol this sucks
you dont put it in there. you cant put it in there. you dont put it in there. in steam when you go to tools do you have the source sdk installed. and when you click on it you get a green menu with hammer n stuff liek that. now open the folder. not with gcf scape just the folder on your harddrive which is in c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\sourcesdk\bin inside this folder there are many exe files includin studiomdl vtex vvis qc eyes etc. you simply drag int into there. then when you double click on it you wont get an error.
hahahaha jesus christ hahahah thank you thank you thank you thank you crackhead!!!!!!! I thought you guys meant the sourcesdk.gcf, I knew it was something retarded!!!! ahhhhhhhhh so happy...okay....calm down.....lol alright well now I'm off to get stuck on the next step of this process. lol thanks again crackhead, and everyone else I appreciate it!
Alright well I haven't made any HDRI images just yet, but as soon as I got this to work I decided what the heck. Thanks again guys I really appreciate it!(I kinda rushed the second one if you couldn't tell)


You can fake it somewhat by assigning the image to the skylight (assuming you use max), setting a value around .7-1 and add some area lights to follow the lighting. I usually just use this since I don't really have a good camera or a lightprobe/ornament :p
lookin good. id like to some not of the white combine guy. like breen alyx etc.