Headache Tricks? FFFFUUUUUU-


Feb 3, 2005
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Like if I cover up my ears it feels a little better.

Like if I wrap my head in some kind of cloth bandage, it feels a little better.

also, eyepatch.

Help me. I need some tips and tricks.

Rite now, I've got a ski cap on.
Strong Black Coffee. Start chugging it.

However, if you are one of those individuals who's headaches do not go away with caffeine..

What type of headache is it? That's important. Is it one of those kind that affect the eyebrow area?
Find a dick and immediately suck it. Never mind, that's just gay

You could always try aspirin.
I think the headache is back/neck tension and eye strain. Yes my eyes are slowly going bad, ever since I joined this site. I think I'm going to have to get my first pair of glasses.

i think a rest from the computer would be a great idea, but whatever will I do then????
I suggest you get off the internet right now lol, it will only make it worse.

Wet hot towel on the area can help while resting.

You can also make a good heating pad for future problems, if you know how to sew. You can sew a thicker fabric material basically into a mini pillow case, preferably something that won't catch fire easily, fill it with cherry pit seeds and sew it shut. You put it in the microwave for... one to two minutes, WATCH it so it does not burn. Take it out, you got a heating pad you can use over and over again forevarrrr
Why are you taking shit so seriously tonight, Zombie?

The man is asking for headache advice while simultaneously confessing that the cause of his headache may be the very same internet he is currently posting from. You're being trolled!
and vicodin'

actually no, seriously, I like these home remedies.

Like when you get the hiccups, look straight up - this straightens the path of your throat, and you will hear some air bubbles come up within 5-10 seconds, and the hiccups are gone. SEE NOW THAT'S A ****ING TIP.

But let's stay on topic: Tips for getting rid of headaches or easing the pain.

Someone was telling me about pressure points and stuff, but I don't think I'm doing it right. Not helping.

That's how you help get rid of and prevent headaches... by drinking plenty of water.

I used to get headaches all the time. Once I started drinking more and more water regularly, I rarely get them anymore except when I've been without my water for a while.
I have some vicodin left over from surgery, I'll ship it to you right away.

That's how you help get rid of and prevent headaches... by drinking plenty of water.

I used to get headaches all the time. Once I started drinking more and more water regularly, I rarely get them anymore except when I've been without my water for a while.

What he said.
Smoke some marijuana.

Or just lie down and shut your eyes for a bit or both.


Aspirin kinda helps. Or if you're a crazy hippy who doesn't do corporate pills maaaan eat lots of berries, they're full of salicylic acid which is basically what aspirin is made from.
Why are you taking shit so seriously tonight, Zombie?

The man is asking for headache advice while simultaneously confessing that the cause of his headache may be the very same internet he is currently posting from. You're being trolled!

I just want to be useful sometimes, OKAY.

Or if you're a crazy hippy who doesn't do corporate pills maaaan .

I lol'd.
Could be a sign of dehydration. Drink water. Take some pain meds and lay down.

I know for me, going for a drive makes me start to feel better.
You can take ibuprofen and paracetamol at the same time, too.
I'm afraid the only solution is snorting coke off a dead hooker's ass.
The cure is inside your best friend's throat. You have thirty seconds to live.