Headcrab entry.


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Woah woah woah, get your mind out of the gutter.

Anyway, after veiwing the ravenholm bink, I noticed that after a headcrab leaves a host body, the head of the host remains intact, however colourless and lifeless.

There's one exception to this, which would be the bloody, gaping hole that was thier mouth (which would explain thier horrid, choking voices).

In every picture of a headcrab I've seen, they have a mouth on thier underside, which his how they latch on to the head, but what do they insert into the mouth of the host (which is, what I assume, takes control of them)?

Do they have some kind of weird tentacle things inside of them?

I didnt feel like posting in the bink thread because its too big.
You're going into this way too deep. All you need to know is headcrap on head: BAD. Plus if you listen to the videos you can hear the humans underneath plading not to be shot or not to be forced to do certain things, at least that's what I hear.
I keep noticing these black pod things all over the place, maybe the combine delibereately dropped the headcrabs into the village.
KagePrototype said:
/me points at the Rumours and Speculation forum


Ah, I'm sorry, wasn't thinking (I never use or visit that forum).

But I guess because it's... uhh... related to the new binks... it can... stay?


And yeah you can hear them, but simply latching onto somethings head wouldnt take control of the host, moreso just eat thier head. They also sound different than any human I've ever heard, and not just muffled by a headcrab body.

EDIT: And yeah, maybe I am going into it way to deep, but I WANT TO KNOW!
Well, would it be hard to do a deformed model once the head crap jumps of the body of a human. Just put a blackish hole somewhere in the back of the head and woala, there is the entry wound.
lazicsavo said:
Well, would it be hard to do a deformed model once the head crap jumps of the body of a human. Just put a blackish hole somewhere in the back of the head and woala, there is the entry wound.

Unfortunately, we don't get to see the back of a used corpses head clearly (but from what I could see, didn't look like there was one).

But thier mouthes... wow they are messed up looking.

OFF-TOPIC: Hey, I'm from toronto too, cool.

... Moved though.
Lazicsavo, are you calling them "Head Craps" on purpose?
Feath said:
Lazicsavo, are you calling them "Head Craps" on purpose?

Ha ha, no, I didn't even notice. Well that's Freud for you. Head Crabs, there we go, gotta get it right once.

PS: Damn Valve why must they keep teasing us. I wanna shoot razorblades at zombies.
Heh, it's a mistake everyone's made. I wasn't sure whether you were doing it on purpose because you did it twice.

Anyway, The Headcrab Zombies are now really disturbing. You are shooting a former human being, that is still slightly alive.

Interesting moral debate.
Lobster said:
I keep noticing these black pod things all over the place, maybe the combine delibereately dropped the headcrabs into the village.

Example? Picture?
Head crabs were inspired by face huggers from Alien right? I think they had something that went into the throat. Tail goes round the throat, legs go round the head, damnit havnt seen any Alien films for a while, cant remember if something did go down their throat. Anyway, some kind of tube on the underside of a head wud probably get the numerous penis jokes the Strider gets. Especially if it went into the victims mouth.
Feath said:
Interesting moral debate.
Self defense. And the people are horribly suffering beyond saviour, too, so you're putting them out of their misery.

Now setting them on fire.... heh
OH yeah, forgot to compliment Valve on their fire effects. Amazing, simply amazing. Now if they could just stop giving us those fake dates.
In the original HL, the headcrabs had a mess of tentacles and teeth in that mouth of theirs, I'm guessing they use those to dig into the head and take over a person
i dont think the black pods have anything to do with headcrabs myself, i think they are just remenants from a former attack on ravenholm
MrWhite said:
In every picture of a headcrab I've seen, they have a mouth on thier underside, which his how they latch on to the head, but what do they insert into the mouth of the host (which is, what I assume, takes control of them)?

Do they have some kind of weird tentacle things inside of them?
they call it "french kiss" :naughty:
It's not a head. It's whats left of the skull, just the lower jaw area.

The beak of a head crab shears off the top part of the head just below the nose. the top part is then digested and lots of thin tentacles force themselves into the body and hook up to the nervous system..
Well, the zombies in the new Ravensholme bink seem to have entire heads...

Also, in HL, you could see the entire head through the headcrab, albeit only as a skull. Seems the Ravensholme zombies are fresher than the Black Mesa ones...
CreamOfetus said:
hmm... i wonder how they scream words with a half-digested face...

Is that a joke?

You do know that your head doesn't control your voice right? That would be the job of your voicebox.....in your throat.
Brian Damage said:
Well, the zombies in the new Ravensholme bink seem to have entire heads...

Also, in HL, you could see the entire head through the headcrab, albeit only as a skull. Seems the Ravensholme zombies are fresher than the Black Mesa ones...

Well if TheRedqueen is right then the top part of the head would still be inside the crab as it was being digested.
That's my point, they seem to still have whole heads when the headcrab jumps off. No shearing, though the mouth looks a bit messy, as though that's where whatever the headcrab uses to control its host enters the body...
Automatic Kafka said:
Is that a joke?

You do know that your head doesn't control your voice right? That would be the job of your voicebox.....in your throat.

you need a tounge to speak....
CreamOfetus said:
you need a tounge to speak....
your tong is attached to deep into your mouth, i guess the headcrab leaves it there, and just breaks the lower jaw to take control of the host nervous system.
Well, we'll all know what happens to the host in detail once the game is released. I'll probably stop for a bit to take a look at the head of one of the victims.
Our defined speech is thanks to our voice box, tongue, and lips. Those gutteral groans and barely intelligible screams can be the work of the throat alone, I suppose. They're not speaking the queen's english after all.
Looks as well from the vids that the top of the heat of very bloody as well, i reckon the tentacle things on the underside of the headcrab burrows into the brain and takes over. So you would probly be consious when thats happening utill it gets "inside"

Myself id prefer a facehugger anyday then a headcrab.... :(