Headset mic?


Oct 7, 2004
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I was looking at headsets, trying to find a good one for the price, when i realised i have perfectly good Koss UR20 headphones (good for gaming at least!) and would rather just have a mic on them (Cos im quite stingy). How can i do this?
-Id rather not have a lapel microphone that i have to attach to myself (what if i wanna play naked?)
-A desktop mic would cause problems because it's stationary, and sometimes I am not :)
-Can you buy a cheap headset, and rip out the mic, and use this? Is it easy?
Thanks for any help.
My problem is Newegg dont deliver to NZ. Are you saying I could buy a cheap headset and rip out the mic to attach somehow to my own headphones?
I have a sweet headset at home, but im at work so I forget what brand it is, once I get home I'll take a gander.
well i went to EB GAMES they were having a massive sale, and picked up some Logitech Precision gaming headphones for $39.95NZD! They were half price- that's about $28 US! Pretty cheap. Didn't know they were behind the head ones, but oh well, they still do the job.

Oh, i see newegg sells them for 19.99USD...oh well newegg dont ship to NZ and the price i got was by far the cheapest ive seen them for.