Heaphones to speakers


Sep 1, 2004
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I've had this problem/inconvenience for a while and I was wondering if anybody had any ideas. As of now I use USB headphones for games and speakers, which plug into my onboard sound, for everthing else. I have to manually unplug my headphones and turn on my speakers when I want to switch.

What I'd like is for some quick way in windows to change my output device, or maybe a program to change it.
I'm a little confused because I've never used USB headphones before. Are you saying that when you have both the headphones plugged in the USB, and the speakers in their respective green/black/orange ports neither will work?
Whatever I am using first seems to be what my computer will stick with. Say I'm using my headphones and I decide I want to switch to speakers, I can turn on my speakers but they won't output sound until I unplug my headphones (and usually I have to restart whatever program I was using).