Heard of this error yet?


Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score

I have been searching high and low for a fix for the Source based games.

I've done the stuff where you disable most of the startup services and programs. Still didn't work. I do have Cat's 5.8 installed rather than 5.9.

The weirdest thing happend. My bug is that I can play the game for a while (whther it is CS:S or DoD:S), then the screen will black out (but I can hear the game in progress for a second), and I have to restart my computer. I thought MAYBE it was the sound, so I disabled the sound from Windows and restarted. After doing that, the games won't even get the the menu! I DISABLE the fricken sound and the problems seem to get worse! DoD:S exits before the menu with the wonderfull instruction can't be read exception and CS:S exits before the menu without an exception.

Anyone have any idea why disabling the sound would make the games crash before the menu whereas with the sound enabled it at least crases mid-game?

I have an AMD64-enabled Sempron 2600+, VIA chipset and onboard sound, 9600 Pro.
That sounds very weird...

I can't help though...bugs scare me...
It'll be some other program doing it, I use msn messenger- since the update i get the kinda crashes you talk about ingame, the funny thing is my comp dont crash if msn is off.....
Im thinking you have a program sitting in your pc thats conflicting against steam. This does happen but figuring out which program it could be is next to impossible. Do though try and search for malicious spyware and what not. Do some scans, thats the only advice i have to offer. My steam f**ked up like that. I simply uninstalled the game and re installed it and it worked.
thanks for the advice guys.

I and going to go ahead and reinstall steam. It shouldn't take long and looks to be the best chance of success. I am also going to give my computer a full AV scan. I'll post my results afterwards.

If this works I will be so happy. I'm leaving for two years on October 22 and won't be able to play games, so I REALLY want to play DoD:S. I just know Valve will fix my error on October 23. If I can't get DoD:S working by then, I might finally be able to play it in late 2007!
well, reinstalled steam. Now it crashes when I try to view the servers. Man.
o then u probly scrweed or maybe something is wrong with ur internet. I suggest reinstall windows if u want
Ok, tried it again.

I can play like I did before. After a few minutes the sound loops and screen freezes.

If I Alt+Tab to the desktop and back, it's fixed! It just really sucks when this happens and I am assaulting.

EDIT. small note. After exiting, the video in windows is really laggy, like scrolling this webpage.
Are you running windows 64 bit? Did you authorize your files? I would loan a cheat creative soundcard to see if that works. :)
I uninstalled 5.8 and installed the 5.9 cats.

Now I get:

VPU Recover has reset your graphics accelerator as it was no longer responding to graphics driver commands

Anyone know why the VPU Recover kicks in?


Well, put AGP down to 4X and disabled Fast Write.

Now it works. Argh.