Heart of Revolters 1.2: Double Pack Update


Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
The Heart of Revolters objective based Team Deathmatch map has been updated with some extra goodies.
[br]Amongst the various fixes and minor alterations detailed in the changelog below, there is a brand new way that the map can be played, complete with different soundtrack and new objectives, on top of the original way. Check out both game modes in the comments section just below this post.
[br]The author of this map, Moonquake has also listened to some of the fans, and focused the release changes based on their feedback. He would also like to thank the server administrators for placing his map on their servers.[br]

  • CHANGELOG v.1.2
  • Objectives status on-screen.
  • Turrets are now awakened by Combines only, But beware if you're standing between a turret and a Combine!
  • 100% Linux servers compatible.
  • Front doors now blockable and easier to use.
  • New spawn method reducing telefrags.
  • New map names.
  • Optimized for smoother visuals and networking.
The file is available here at Fileplanet. Please note that you must be logged in to view the file.
Revolters version A (rainy sunrise):
-Combine objectives:
1- Reach and unlock the Precinct 15 sector door to gain access to the Rebels
2- Blowup the Rebel weapons truck hidden behind the Rebel HQ.
3- Defend your base

-Rebels objectives:
1- Destroy the Combine generators.
2- Defend your truck

Revolters version B (cloudy afternoon):
-Combine objectives:
1- Reach and unlock the Precinct 15 sector door to gain access to the Rebels
2- Destroy the Control Room inside the HQ to destroy the whole base.
3- Keep an eye on Alyx at your base.

-Rebels objectives:
1- Bring back Alyx, held captive in the Combine base. Teleport her to
Kleiner's lab.
2- Defend your base.
Ive always liked this map but its a shame that the servers i try play it on lag like hell
Mirrored. I'm seeding, even if it doesn't say so. The repackage is to let you unzip the thing into the right folder in one operation instead of the six the normal version needs.
Cool, thanks for the mirror, downloading as we speak. I don't like having to register at places to get one file, so thanks again.
Actualy, it's 2 slightly different MAPS in the package. :)
Varsity, thanks for the seeding. But about the repacking...all people have to do is unzip the hl2dm folder. :)

Sam: i sometimes host it but its non-dedicated and laggy with more than 6 players.

We need more dedicated servers, I agree!!!!


When I had a search around, I couldn't find anywhere else.

Anyway, thanks for the mirrors.
we had a great time playing yesterday and today. everyone needs to download this map, and get more servers running it.
Cheers for the BT mirror Varsity - couldn't seem to get it off Fileplanet - screens look wicked, really looking forward to playing it :)
Can't wait to have these maps hosted on fast Linux servers!!

Linux owners, anyone???

First, let me say this is a great map! Now on to my dilemma...

I'm trying to run this map on a dedicated source server, but I am having trouble.

I'm a bit of a N00B at running a dedicated server, but maybe someone can offer some help. Every time I try to run the dedicated server, the map tab is greyed out on the box where I pick the server name and number of players...etc. It defaults to dm_lockdown and I can't change it.

I've installed the revolters maps to both my
F:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\-username-\half-life 2 deathmatch
F:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\-username-\source dedicated server
I copied over the hl2mp folder to both of those directories.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a handy-dandy guide for running a dedicated source server? Is there a handy-dandy guide for running Heart of Revolters?


- Cheese Sandwich
Dedicated server sucks for options, youre not doing anything wrong, Schwa! You can't select a map from dedicated server.... ...

You gotta create a file called:


Put it inside your Dedicated server/hl2mp folder.

type this inside the .txt:


Thats it.

These maps will roll on rotation.

I'm not a pro at hosting, but you should also need to put a file called:


in the Dedicated server/CFG folder.

Inside you type:

mp_teamplay 1
mp_flashlight 1
maxplayers 12
sv_allowdownload 0

and/or any other commands you want the server to run
Yeah, it stupid that there are so many servers with crappy custom maps that might've looked good in Duke Nukem 3D, but this awesome map is almost nowhere to be found. It's a darn shame.
i think this map is really cool. however, i think the lighting needs to be tweaked a bit because the outdoor areas seem a little bland (too bright). perhaps lower the ambient light slightly? a definite improvement would be to change the ambient light COLOR to something a bit more orange/yellow rather than just white.

also, there are some texturing problems inside the rebel house. i forget where but they're there.

this is concerning the newest release (1.2)
setting up a ded server


I made a dedicated server for these 2 maps, but something is still wrong. I used the "mp_teamplay 1" in the server.cfg file so there should be teams.

Thing is: ALL players still spawn at 1 spot. Is this meant to be like this ? Aybe I'm expecting too much, but should it be possible for players to choose in which team they want to play ?

Is TDM a special gamemode (since the server is listed as a deathmatch-server brrrrrrrrr :dozey: ) ?

Some help would be appreciated so we can all play at this server.

Monk: weird. Did you put your server.cfg in the Dedicated Server/CFG folder?

Also include in your cfg:

mp_fraglimit 0
mp_timelimt 0
mp_flashlight 1

Just in case! :)

Also, in the hl2mp folder, put a file called


And inside just type the name of the maps:


You should be all set.

Tnx for helping out, but still no luck.

All seems to be fine, but still deathmatch.
server.cfg is filled with the given parameters etc.

My question was also: should players spawn at different locations or not ?

Maybe another admin can send me his server.cfg so I can try that one out :cheers:

[email protected]

I found a server by complete chance last night.

I thought it was excellent. Really fun team based DM. Sheer class. Can't wait for more maps and updates.