Heart of the Revolters Team-Deathmatch Map Update


Nov 10, 2003
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MoonQuake from the Battlefield 1942 community, maker of ActionBF, has recently sent word concerning a map that he has been diligently working on for Half-Life 2 Deathmatch called “Heart of Revolters”. Stating that the map would contain single-player styled story-orientated objectives, pushing for more an in-depth online gameplay experience.
"The Heart of the Revolters is map that is located in Precinct 15. The Combines were informed of their presence and ordered to "disinfect" the area. In the first attack wave, the Combines, while beaten back by the Rebels, managed to capture Alyx and take her back into the Combine base. It's only a matter of time before Alyx is judged and Combine reinforcements arrive. The Rebels must bring Alyx back to the HQ, teleport her to Kleiner's lab, and get the hell out of Precinct 15."

Moonquake also speaks of some features included in the map.

Combine Objectives:
  • Reach and unlock the Precinct 15 Sector Door to gain access.
  • Blowup the Rebels Weapons Truck hidden behind the Rebel HQ to cut-off their heavy armament.
  • Destroy the Control Room inside the HQ to blowup the whole place.

Rebel Objectives:
  • Prevent the Combine from reaching the Sector Door.
  • Defend the Weapons Truck and the Control Room.
  • Rescue the "frozen" Alyx that is held in the Combines Base.

Also included with the update are a couple very eye-pleasing screenshots.
[br]Stay tuned for more information about this interesting looking map.
sjeez noob...

j/k j/k

Nice shots.. last one is a bit dark though :\ frozen alyx is cool.
Wow it's nice to see Moonquake is back, I beta tested ActionBF with him and some of my clanmates back in the day :)
Glad to see we have some quality maps coming through now rather than that crap like killbox....
This is something valve should make...
HL2 AS...

UT2K4 Assault was cool (although i didn't play it much).. so why not make story driven maps based on HL2

And what really would make it cool, if you could set up defences like turrets, traps, baricades etc...

Ones the round is done, the team switches side

But i'm dreaming here :) the map looks sweet
looks very promising. i cant wait to play it. this is more my style, as opposed to mindless running and shooting.
"Eye-pleasing" doesn't exactly spring to mind, looking at the first screenshot.