heatsink messed up?...

Dec 14, 2004
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Hey i just got my computer put together and when i put my retail heatsink on my cpu, i wasn't sure how the black little clip thingy was supposed to go so i thought it was for fastening it on there but i dunno how far i'm supposed to push it down or if im supposed to push it in any dirrection at all, i would appreciate any awnsers, i know i explained it kinda bad, but i dunno really how to explian it.

I'll try and get a pic of what my heatsink looks like just incase you don't know what im talking about.
I didn't want to make a new thread so im going to post my new question here. I'm pretty sure that i have the winchester core since it's idleing at 40* C and when i bought it the advertisement had the matching serial#'s and 1.4v, I was just wondering though if there was a way to check to make sure i do have the winchester core? I have everything installed and my computer is up and running...
