Heaven and Hell

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
This has probably been posted before, but in Ravenholm, where the fire pit with the zombies stuck on the hooks are I thought of something.

When Grigori steps through the door on the balcony you see a light shining through. This immiediately reminded me of Heaven :)angel:), while the huge ass bon fire below it looked (literally) like Hell :)devil:). Anyone else think this?
Uhh...I was reminded of a laughing maniac pointing his rifle at my general direction and tried to shoot him down. Does that count? :rolleyes:
I think the symbolism is absolutely correct. Father Grigori truly is a (slightly mad) modern day holy warrior, dispensing the wrath and forgiveness of God in equal measures.

You are truly supposed to think of him as this avenging angel, appearing suddenly in pools of light, destroying the unholy beasts and throwing to you weapons with which to combat the darkness - in this case, the riot gun. Then he disappears with cryptic words of advice, leaving you alone again in the darkness and fear and frustration, with only the knowledge that somewhere, somewhere there is a place that has light and safety, and he knows the way but it is one you can't follow.

Grigori is the seraphim of science fiction, the literal deus ex machina - perhaps, in this case, the machina ex deus, instead. You are supposed to associate him with an angel.
I think heaven and hell is the theme they were touching in Ravenholme... duh...
If you listen to Father Gregori's unsused 'rant' speech files it is clear that he believes he is going to hell, quite sad really.
Grigori won't go to hell - he'll be taken on by the highest bidders and set on a course to destruction. The bidders will make him think hes on a good course of action, but really, there sending him to fight Gordon... HL3 :smoking:
Well, my Father Gregory caught on fire. So, in a way, he did go to hell.
If i owned this place and hell, id rent this out and live in hell.
ríomhaire said:
If you listen to Father Gregori's unsused 'rant' speech files it is clear that he believes he is going to hell, quite sad really.

Where exactly would I find those files at?

Edit: well not so cool. I cant get the sound files.

Edit2: well back to being cool. I fixed it :D:D