"Heavenly" textures


Oct 10, 2009
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So, I was wrapping up a texture job on a map and the last couple rooms needed a tile floor. I picked out a nice tile texture, and painted it up. Looks great in Hammer, but when I'm playing the map for real, that tile floor is SUPER white and has a heavenly glow.

This seems to only happen on a certain few textures that respond to the cubemap, and it only happens in HDR. It happened first with a door texture, but I made a custom .vmt file with "0.01, 0.01, 0.01" entered on the "$envmaptint" line (it was "0.80, 0.80, 0.80"...WAY too bright methinks). This cleared up the problem with that door texture, it's still shiny but not overly shiny. Do I have to make a custom vmt for EVERY material that appears this way? Or is there something I'm not doing right?

I've tried lots of things; changing my light_environment intensity, building the cubemaps in "mat_specular 0" mode. Even in complete darkness, this floor lights up like a nuclear explosion of WHITE lol. Not missing any materials either. What could this problem be?

EDIT: Not sure if i mentioned this, but it only happens in HDR. They look perfect in LDR.
weird, that's usually what I get when I run in HDR without built cubemaps. The only other thing it could be is a leak (sometimes when i accidentally let a leakgo by to RAD I get these super bright compiles)
Same here, I just did all I could by wrapping up any leaks the reports encounter