Hee hee, Sony makes huge Engrish spelling mistake

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May 5, 2004
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it's kinda hard to read but what's the button next to Start?

That's the $500 tard version, the $600 PS3 comes with propper spelling. True fact.:angel:
Sounds like Kim Jong Il from Team America. :laugh:

Praystation anyone?
It's those small mistakes that give it, it's personality.
Indeed, it's got no other discernable qualities.
Reginald said:
Sounds like Kim Jong Il from Team America. :laugh:

Praystation anyone?

:laugh: That's the first thing I thought when I saw it

That's awesome, I hope they don't change it
I bet they are going to sell it as a special edition and then someone will buy it on ebay for more money then a small car.
RakuraiTenjin said:

hahaha Asians!

ok you just crossed the line in terms of tact ..I didnt want to turn this into a "lets laugh at the asians" thread. Please less stereotypes
Stern is right, don't make fun of chinks :p
(sorry, lately I have been spending to much time in the Haus.)
Gray Fox said:
Stern is right, don't make fun of chinks :p
(sorry, lately I have been spending to much time in the Haus.)

you're an idiot
CptStern said:
ok you just crossed the line in terms of tact ..I didnt want to turn this into a "lets laugh at the asians" thread. Please less stereotypes
Yeah because using the term "Engrish" isn't doing that at all :rolleyes:
If people still buy the PS3 after all the farce, I will have lost even more faith in humanity
RakuraiTenjin said:
Yeah because using the term "Engrish" isn't doing that at all :rolleyes:

no it's not the same because I didnt identify or make fun of their nationality ..it says nothing except that it's butchered spelling ..and in any case it's also used to describe faulty grammar

at no time did I say "asians cant spell" or "asians cant pronounce "l""

Gray Fox said:
:laugh: if you can't take it I'll edit. Just say the words sir Stern.

perhaps you're just too stupid to realise that some of our members may be of asian descent?
Wait, they can spell!?

(Please note that I am merely doing this to get a reaction, and bear absolutely no ill will towards those of asiatic descent)

CptStern said:
perhaps you're just too stupid to realise that some of our members may be of asian descent?
Maybe. But perhaps you're just to stupid to realize it was a joke, as well as the fact that a stupid thread made just for the sole purpose of bashing Sony for no real reason, attracts stupid comments and doesn't really warrent an intelligent response, as well as that this might very well easly be disproved just like you last sony bashing thread about the blu ray switch and bait.
Hey, calm down guys. No need to get tetchy about this.

Let's just laugh at Sony. :laugh:
Person A cracks a joke about the way Asians talk.

Person B does the same.

Person A accuses Person B of racism.

Irony causes a vortex that sucks the universe into a void.
CptStern said:
no it's not the same because I didnt identify or make fun of their nationality
Neither did I.

CptStern said:
..it says nothing except that it's butchered spelling ..and in any case it's also used to describe faulty grammar
LOL No, Engrish makes fun of the stereotypical FOB accent. IE: Can't pronounce L and mix it up with R. Don't act like it's something cute and innocent. It's not 'sinister' or anything but don't try to play it off as specifically making fun of a language barrier. Good god.
CptStern said:
perhaps you're just too stupid to realise that some of our members may be of asian descent?
Perhaps you are? You made the thread laughing at the Engrish. Do you have to make it into some political correctness big brother shit? If they're offended that's their fault. I don't get offended if someone cracks a beaner joke or something.
RakuraiTenjin said:
LOL No, Engrish makes fun of the stereotypical FOB accent. IE: Can't pronounce L and mix it up with R. Don't act like it's something cute and innocent. It's not 'sinister' or anything but don't try to play it off as specifically making fun of a language barrier. Good god.

Gray Fox said:
Maybe. But perhaps you're just to stupid to realize it was a joke, as well as the fact that a stupid thread made just for the sole purpose of bashing Sony for no real reason, attracts stupid comments and doesn't really warrent an intelligent response, as well as that this might very well easly be disproved just like you last sony bashing thread about the blu ray switch and bait.

ya it's a sony conspiracy :upstare: that's simply idiotic, I couldnt care less which console comes on top as I'm not interested in any of them.

RakuraiTenjin said:
Neither did I.

yes you did:

RakuraiTenjin said:

hahaha Asians!

RakuraiTenjin said:
LOL No, Engrish makes fun of the stereotypical FOB accent. IE: Can't pronounce L and mix it up with R.

no it does not ..it more specifially for written text:

wiki said:
While the term may refer to spoken English, it is more often used to describe written English, for which problems are easier to identify and record. Engrish has been found on anything from badly translated signs, menus, and instruction manuals to bizarrely worded advertisements to strange t-shirt slogans. Usage of the terms may range from humorous to the slightly pejorative.


RakuraiTenjin said:
Don't act like it's something cute and innocent. It's not 'sinister' or anything but don't try to play it off as specifically making fun of a language barrier. Good god.


RakuraiTenjin said:
Perhaps you are? You made the thread laughing at the Engrish. Do you have to make it into some political correctness big brother shit? If they're offended that's their fault. I don't get offended if someone cracks a beaner joke or something.

no. I made a thread about sony screwing up a word. This is not political correctness/big brother "shit" it is a valid point because at no time did I imply that this was about bashing asian speech patterns ..not once did I mention asians

Rakurai said:
If they're offended that's their fault.

you're joking right? it's their fault someone uses a derogatory word?
Haha, asians.

(Don't deserve a capital "a")

CptStern said:
ya it's a sony conspiracy :upstare: that's simply idiotic, I couldnt care less which console comes on top as I'm not interested in any of them.
I guess you also like bush as much as you like Nader, it's just a coincidence that you choose to make a fuzz about everything bush does more then nader, just like it's a coincidence that you choose to make a fuzz every little detail of the ps3 and not x-box or Wii. Besides you fail to adress the most important part of my response.
CptStern said:
yes you did:
Asian != Nationality.

CptStern said:
no it does not ..it more specifially for written text:


Stop trying to change what Engrish is to make it seem like you didn't make fun of anybody. For ****s sake. Hell in the quote you put it even says that. Everybody that uses the term Engrish means it in reference to FOB Asian accents. Stop trying to say it's not that.

"8. Engrish-

broken English as if, but not necessarily, spoken from one whose mother tongue is an Asian language

Origin: from commonly-referred-to and mistaken allegations of swappings of "L's" and "R's" in Asian languages"


CptStern said:
no. I made a thread about sony screwing up a word. This is not political correctness/big brother "shit" it is a valid point because at no time did I imply that this was about bashing asian speech patterns ..not once did I mention asians
Oh good god. You're trying to claim you making fun of "EngRish" and "Serect" has NOTHING to do with the stereotypical Asian immigrant accent? Just shut up.

CptStern said:
you're joking right? it's their fault someone uses a derogatory word?
I didn't use a derrogatory word.
Gray Fox said:
I guess you also liek bush as much as you like Nader, it's just a coincidence that you choose to make a fuzz about everything bush does more then nader, just like it's a coincidence that you choose to make a fuzz every little detail of the ps3 and not x-box or Wii. Besides you fail to adress the most important part of my response.

fuss over? the "fuzz" is slang for police

I've criticised the 360 a number of times


and what did I fail to respond to?

RakuraiTenjin said:
Asian != Nationality.

no, asian means someone from Asia

RakuraiTenjin said:
Stop trying to change what Engrish is

I'm not:

wiki said:
While the term may refer to spoken English, it is more often used to describe written English

RakuraiTenjin said:
to make it seem like you didn't make fun of anybody.

I'm making fun of sony

RakuraiTenjin said:
For ****s sake. Hell in the quote you put it even says that.


RakuraiTenjin said:
Everybody that uses the term Engrish means it in reference to FOB Asian accents. Stop trying to say it's not that.

"8. Engrish-

broken English as if, but not necessarily, spoken from one whose mother tongue is an Asian language

Origin: from commonly-referred-to and mistaken allegations of swappings of "L's" and "R's" in Asian languages"


ummm you got that from urban dictionary ..anyone can add their POV to UD ...see?

again I point you towards the definition:

wiki said:
While the term may refer to spoken English, it is more often used to describe written English

..wiki is at least cross checked for accuracy by the community ...again I meant no malice by using engrish:

wiki said:
While the term mocks the accent, it is used mainly without malice in reference to humorous misuses, puns, and double entendres within written English, not difficulties in pronunciation.

RakuraiTenjin said:
Oh good god. You're trying to claim you making fun of "EngRish" and "Serect" has NOTHING to do with the stereotypical Asian immigrant accent? Just shut up.

wiki said:
While the term mocks the accent, it is used mainly without malice in reference to humorous misuses, puns, and double entendres within written English, not difficulties in pronunciation.

and quit being a jackass ..I was civil to you the entire time

RakuraiTenjin said:
I didn't use a derrogatory word.

I was referring to gray fox
CptStern said:
no, asian means someone from Asia
Correct, Asian means someone from Asia, good job. Since we both agree it means that, don't accuse me of singling out someone's nationality.

CptStern said:
I'm not:Originally Posted by wiki
While the term may refer to spoken English, it is more often used to describe written English
I've only ever seen Engrish in reference to how someone speaks. Despite what wikipedia might try to say I'm talking about real application.

CptStern said:
I'm making fun of sony

Ok sure :dozey:

CptStern said:
Originally Posted by wiki
While the term may refer to spoken English...

Despite what wiki says this is the only way I have seen it. Either way the subject of this thread isn't a mistranslations like 'set up us the bomb' but actually an error of the tongue 'Serect.'

Pot. Kettle. Black. I didn't make any fuss about your thread so stop making a fuss about my post.

CptStern said:
ummm you got that from urban dictionary ..anyone can add their POV to UD ...see?
again I point you towards the definition:

..wiki is at least cross checked for accuracy by the community ...again I meant no malice by using engrish

Urban Dictionary is actually more applicable to the actual usage of the word by people.

I'm sure you meant it to be funny in using Engrish/making fun of 'Serect' and I'm sure you didn't mean any malice. So don't act like mine wasn't the same or that what I said wasn't in jest, either

CptStern said:
and quit being a jackass ..I was civil to you the entire time
Don't be a hypocrite, then. You jumped down my throat for cracking a joke when you were doing the same thing with this thread. Rather than chuckling and moving on you chose to get offended on behalf of someone else over something stupid.

CptStern said:
I was referring to gray fox
Then why did you quote me?
because you were answering my reply to gray fox ..look at it again

again engrish is almost exclusively for use in written text ..I had never heard of the term before that website engrish.com gained popularity

again, I specifically asked you not to make it an asian issue because that wasnt my intent at all
CptStern said:
The BIG differance is that those are all reasonable critiqe's that matter, where as your ps3 threads are nothing more then childish attampts at superficial mockery. And in my opinion you failed to respond to my comment in which I explained why instead of posting an intelligent comment I resorted to simple mocking jokes, and why your comments about my obviously non serious comments are simply uptight and undeserving.
Must say, I find saying all Asians look the same, or calling them "chinks" much more offensive than mocking a mistranslation.
SimonomiS said:
Must say, I find saying all Asians look the same, or calling them "chinks" much more offensive than mocking a mistranslation.
It's for the sake of some politically incorrect humor. Why not call Dave Chappel an idiot, he uses nigga and whity a lot in his sketches. Just like him mine comment was not meant as a serious deragetory remark, it's funny because it's so mean and politically incorrect, while it's never an real insult since you know it was just meant as a joke. It's a sad state of affairs if we still haven't come to a point where we can afford not to be so uptight.
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