Hehe, no quick load/save, for me this time!


Aug 6, 2004
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I'm swear to myself that I won't tuch the quick save button in HL2, no mather what! Auto save for me this time (got used to Halo)!! And I never ever play games on easy, so I'll go to hell and back with HL2 if I must! :rolleyes:
And you? :cool:
i'd like to think the same, but when i get pissed off with the game cuz im stuck i'l break it down, bit by bit, quick-saving along the way lol
I hate games where I can't quick save :p I'll be hitting it ever 5 minutes.
it was impossible to beat the original half-life without quicksaving b/c the autosaves were so very far apart, so i doubt it'll be possible in hl2
noluck said:
my spoon is too big
I'm a banana!

I'm gonna try by best not to quick-save, but i know that there's gonna be at lease 1 bit where i get pissed off, and just save once a minute or something.
SLH said:
I'm a banana!

And now angry ticks fire from my nipples.

Youll be begging for quicksave after the second level. When your really coastin along, blazing throught the levels, youll want to be quicksaving every 10 mins. As if you want to play this massive long stretch of game, then die and realise that you have to restart a whole 20 minute section again. Thats the kind of thing that makes you "arrgg god dammit i dont want to do that again, ill play it later." Then you lose motivation to keep playing.
lol Quicksave is for wussies, IMO <3.

HL1 is quite easily possible to beat without ever saving, even on the hardest level of diff.

Too many people now days are spoiled by quick save options.

I'm glad developers like Tecmo with Ninja Gaiden are ballsy enough to tell gamers "You've been spoiled. This game will rape you, deal with it."

I personally won't and do not ever touch quick save. Just my personal play style.

I prefer to learn the pattern elements of gameplay and figure out the movement/control engine until I master it.

I'm the type of gamer who plays games to their beyond extent value. Playing Resident Evil 2 without ever saving, etc.

Not that I should flame people who use quicksave. Some people just don't like to waste time dying over and over just to learn a pattern. That is acceptable.
Half-Life is the type of game where you NEED to quick save/load to have fun. Killing the scientists and watching all the cool stuff over and over. With hl2 ur gonna have to save/load to try out alternate solutions and ofcourse kill people 50 different ways coz of the physics and watch all the cool stuff over and over.
quicksave is the best.

It's really hard without it.
some people quicksave so much its not even funny . i watched a friend of mine play some doom3 and he would kill an enemy, quicksave, grab a healthpack, quick save, open door and kill 1 enemy, quicksave, reload all weapons, quick save, get in position for next room, quicksave.
poseyjmac said:
some people quicksave so much its not even funny . i watched a friend of mine play some doom3 and he would kill an enemy, quicksave, grab a healthpack, quick save, open door and kill 1 enemy, quicksave, reload all weapons, quick save, get in position for next room, quicksave.

I don't quicksave that much, usualy it's before I suspect a big fight.

PS. Isn't it sad that I can predict when a monster will jump out at me? :cheese: I hope HL2 won't be like that. For example, in the Kleiner's lab video, I would've never guessed a Strider would blow through the wall then and there. :thumbs:
dude i quick save in doom 3 all the time, that game is F***ING HARD when you don't have a good graphics card!
poseyjmac said:
some people quicksave so much its not even funny . i watched a friend of mine play some doom3 and he would kill an enemy, quicksave, grab a healthpack, quick save, open door and kill 1 enemy, quicksave, reload all weapons, quick save, get in position for next room, quicksave.
I do that in Doom 3... the threat of ambushes everywhere makes me paranoid... I mean... even grabbing a healthpack sometimes triggers an attack...
I'm going to quicksave quite alot and do fun saves here and there of places I want to replay.
This is a great idea. I think I'll also try to avoid quicksaving as much as possible
why, it just means you die then do the whole part over again. *f*u*c*k*i*n*g* *n*e*r*d*s
I was planning on doing Doom 3 without quicksaves, but then I realized how far apart the autosaves are.
Letters said:
I do that in Doom 3... the threat of ambushes everywhere makes me paranoid... I mean... even grabbing a health pack sometimes triggers an attack...

If theres a big health pack, ammo, or data pad right in the middle of the room, I pretty much know right when I touch it that somethings gonna spawn. I hated that about Doom 3.
I'm the most frequent quicksaver you will ever see. I save after every enemy I kill, every corner, doorway, item pickup, hallways, every step of a jumping puzzle, and pretty much every other event and movement. I guess it's a bad habit, it drives some of my friends crazy. At least I play on the hardest skill levels.
i agree, in HL1 i quicksaved a bunch. Although in HL1 there were a lot more puzzly things you had to do, which if you screwed up, it was a lot better to be able to quickloud right to where you started the puzzle. Im not sure if HL2 will have the same puzzly scenario.
Letters said:
I mean... even grabbing a healthpack sometimes triggers an attack...

Yea, if Im full on ammo or have enough, I never pick any extra up in fear of a random trigger happening.
CrazyHarij said:
I'm going to quicksave quite alot and do fun saves here and there of places I want to replay.
Thanks for that information man! =D ;)
I'm not gonna quicksave in HL2, I'm just gonna unbind the key. If I die or screw up and have to go back 10-30 minutes, then I'll do things differently the second time around. I think that frequent quicksaving makes the game dull, since it's almost like playing with god mode. If you're in a big fire fight and get injured pretty badly, too bad, you gotta keep going and make do with what you have. Most people would just quickload after loosing a lot of health.

I remember when I was playing HL1 sp, the part where you have to fry the tentacle monsters ("blast pit"?), I fell from very high and had something like 2 health. There was a pool of water which had electricity running through it, now most people would just jump over most of it and then take some light damage, no big deal, right? Not when you have 2 health and the last autosave was probably about 20 minutes ago, you got no choice but to get creative. There was a wire running along the wall of the corridor which had the water in it, so what I did was jumped onto that wire from some boxes and went Jackie Chan style safely to the other side of the corridor. It took me a while to get around the level since I had to clear every corner just incase some sh*t jumped out at me. But I was finally able to find some med kits. Trust me, it was FUN. Heart pounding, gut wrenching, edge of your seat entertainment, you just don't have a choice of screwing up.

I'm hoping that HL2 will bring me this kind of experience, the experience of solving not just problems that the developer created for you, but also problems that you created for yourself (by being a dumbass and jumping out of an elevator, hoping to catch a ladder).

I'm not criticising anyone's play style, that's just my playstyle. If you feel better quicksaving around every corner, go ahead, I just don't think it will be as neccesary since you can always check out different possibilities for completing a task the second or third way around.
when I play half-life usually i do a real save at the start of evert chapter, and i mostly can clear off the place in one sitting. saving only if i have to go. except for the times when i know that i can fall or die for some idiotic reason.
I do that in Doom 3... the threat of ambushes everywhere makes me paranoid... I mean... even grabbing a healthpack sometimes triggers an attack...

Yeah, but all I do is spray all the corners with the chaingun and I'm good to go :D
I just messed up a good run of quicksaves because i panic and mash the keyboard trying to get my gun out...

theres a lesson to hard save more offen :hmph:
I quicksaved before every room in doom3: even though I find the combat mostly easy on challenging, I just don't like having to repeat something I just did. If the combat weren't so repetitive, this wouldn't be a problem. A good solution would be a system that quicksaves every thirty seconds and allows you to go back to the last two saves (though performance issues may dictate that the game wait to auto-quicksave until all monsters present are dead).
Sai said:
it was impossible to beat the original half-life without quicksaving b/c the autosaves were so very far apart, so i doubt it'll be possible in hl2

i dunno man im sure it aint impossible...

You know what's annoying and happened to me a couple of times?

I'm really low on health (about 10 left) and I think 'Hmmm, it's ages since I saved, I better do it now'. My finger travels towards the quicksave button. I'm just applying pressure to the button when something leaps out and kills me. Whoops, I pressed quicksave after I died! I quickload, only to relive the moment of my own fiery death. I am forced to drag myself back through the last hour of gameplay. Now that is just annoying.

Then there was that time I was on a ledge, I reached for quicksave and my other hand hit the up arrow. Whoops, quicksaved in midair! Why do these things always happen to me?
yeah obviously we are gonna shoot the npcs when we come into contant with them and quick save would be nice cause you may not want to play that whole section again just so that you can continue if the screen were to go blank and say game over..

its close.. so very close.
The trouble with quicksaves is simple: they act against all the effort that has gone into generating tension and immersing the player. In a game like Half-Life, which does such a wonderful job of maintaining the players solid grounding in the virtual world, a constant staccato of saving and loading simply draws the player out of the game.

I'm guilty of abusing the quicksave key beyond belief. I'd 'save' before strolling into a room with no intention of fighting, I'd just scout around before pressing quickload and running in knowing where everything was hiding. If I wasted a few too many of my precious magnum rounds I'd reload until I did it perfectly. I was turning the game into some sort of chore.

Despite all this blatant abuse of the game I still loved the original Half-Life but I don't want to do that with the sequel. I want to enjoy entering each room knowing that it could be my downfall. Think of it like this; Counter-Strike drew in so many people becuase it was the first to really make you value your life in a mutli-player game. As such it made your heart race so much faster. Keeping clear of the quicksave/load works the same way. I for one, will be unbinding those keys.
Yeah quicksave is like Jessica Simpson. ON one hand you want to bone her senseless, on the other hand you want to smack her in the face for being so stupid.

If i was given the option of playing the game through using checkpoints instead of quicksaves, i think i'd enjoy myself a lot more.
I sometimes even look for a quicksave key when I play multiplayer games with my clan... ;( And then I remember: "aaaahh shitt..can't save here"
jabberwock95 said:
You know what's annoying and happened to me a couple of times?

I'm really low on health (about 10 left) and I think 'Hmmm, it's ages since I saved, I better do it now'. My finger travels towards the quicksave button. I'm just applying pressure to the button when something leaps out and kills me. Whoops, I pressed quicksave after I died! I quickload, only to relive the moment of my own fiery death. I am forced to drag myself back through the last hour of gameplay. Now that is just annoying.

Then there was that time I was on a ledge, I reached for quicksave and my other hand hit the up arrow. Whoops, quicksaved in midair! Why do these things always happen to me?

Been there, done that............ ;(
I will use quick save for the first time.Never underestimate HL2 difficulty level.They might be pretty tough,like the original HL.
Well, i won't be using it that much (you said it, the game experience is much better without) - only if i have to play the same passage for the 10th time or so...cause it'll be frustrating.

The auto-save in Far Cry was really fair imo. So if HL2's auto-save will be that fair, i may be playing without quicksave at all ;)
I will check out how often it autosaves and if there isn't too long between them I will go without quicksaving, save for jumping puzzles and the like....I completed Op4 only using autosaves and a few quicksaves when their were instant death jumping puzzle....

oh and I'll start out playing on hard...I dunno for some reason I think HL2 might not be as annoying doing sections over....