Hehehehe... New Penguin Swing game....Hehehehe

old, played this a while ago, but my best is only 900 though ;(

edit: make that 1108.5 :p, i 0wn j00 all
the best i got was 818. it bounced off of like 5 mines
Best i got was 1001. I sucked hard before that though. Heh. This is a gory thing.
Well, looks like i'm still winning! :D

/me laughs at everyone
Ive had 1,200+ after a few goes. I was at uni with my mate the other day and he scored over 1,400... highest ive seen.
After what seemed ages of steam smashing power I got 1057 :)

Edit: whoar! I just got 1098.3 :D :D :D
841, I bounced off like 5 mines, lemme try this again.

503, wtf.

607, getting there.

540, 548, 1018!!!11 woot.
i can only get 500...i had 800 in the original.....not yonkins site again...
noway. this is all wrong. penguins blood is green. it's true. they are a mutagen of the well known element Kyrptonite.

Just wait til my girlfriend gets hold of this game. she'll be so angry