Hell Blaze MP5 Media


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
i was recently recruited by simmo, of Hell Blaze, after he saw this model in progress. its pretty much finished now. unless u's lot point sumthing out. so, here they r. sorryif its 'just another MP5'.



Hell Blaze
I dont like it. And I dont know why really. Something is just wrong in my eyes...
One thing is annoying me. The rear sight. It needs to be more detailed, thats not what it looks like. You can aim through that.
I like it but that litte indent near the magazine holder looks a little screwy.... wireframe?
heres a closeup of the rearsight. and sidewinder, the thing on the magazine bit thingy looks screwy on this, im gonna change it i think


ps Dawdler, thats not very helpful, wat is it ??
The sights look pretty right on, but for the heck of it, have you tried to line up the fore sights and rear sights?
Originally posted by SnowBall
The sights look pretty right on, but for the heck of it, have you tried to line up the fore sights and rear sights?

:hmph: :p
Looking pretty good there random. Got any wires or /\ counts for us?
the /\ is 1992 or thereabouts, with mag and all. and heres the wireframe. havnt tried to look for tings to optimize, butim sure there r a few. brb with the wirframe. need simmo to host it.
looks pretty good....thjough wirefrma look nicer when u render with "force wireframe" checked :)
I found the other one better cuz you couls see the edges. anyway it doesnt mather!