

May 24, 2003
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I mean, look at these WW2 photos.

This one for example:

German soldiers, their helmet is design to make you feel like you fighting faceless humans, because shadow covers eyes. But here you can see an expression on his face, a guy with grenade. I just look in his eye, on his face, and wonder.. is he really tired of this war? Does he know what horrible things were committed by Nazis or is he just fights for his country, knowing nothing. This picture gives me chills.


Not a D-day, but crossing Rhine. I mean, we can’t even imagine how scared those guys were, bullets flying all over, and you can’t do nothing, but try and protect yourself somehow.


Those two pictures are just painful reminder of what WAR does to humanity. Just looking at them makes you depressed. Ruins and nothing more.


To the death? D-day…


No comments there…


But I will support the war, if it means to help those people… who are not treated like humans anymore.


What the hell happened to this planet? Humans can’t do something like that to each other, or can they?


German civilians said they didn’t know. Or didn’t care perhaps? That’s what ignorance does, learn your lesson well.


Russian and American soldiers are happy to see each other. Both survived through hell. To bad this friendship will be ended by damn Cold War…

Yeah.. war.
fine pics i must say, and the german soldiers and people did not know of the holocaust during the war..it was revealed by the allies after the war..
And your point being? Not to be dissing you; you've probably posted this thread out of the right motives.
Shakermaker said:
And your point being? Not to be dissing you; you've probably posted this thread out of the right motives.

are u talking to me? well im not german...just answered to this " I just look in his eye, on his face, and wonder.. is he really tired of this war? Does he know what horrible things were committed by Nazis or is he just fights for his country"
the German soldier looks like every other soldier during world war 2 regardless of his stance. he just wanted to get home to his family and friends. that man you looked at along with all the others probably died within weeks of thier photos except for the hitler pic and russian and yank pic.
h00dlum said:
are u talking to me? well im not german...just answered to this " I just look in his eye, on his face, and wonder.. is he really tired of this war? Does he know what horrible things were committed by Nazis or is he just fights for his country"

Nope, not talking to you, but to Mr. Reak. I am quite aware of the horrors of war (although not from first hand, thank god). My question is: why he did he take the trouble of compiling all this. And if it was for educational purposes, I was just wondering if he wasn't shown pictures like these in school. Back in my schooldays, seeing the film Shoa was obligatory.
The horror...the horror...
Nice pictures. Did you take them yourself?
Can I ask smething? I dont know if you guys have seen Saving Prv Ryan or played MOHAA but who the hell where running around in that hell on earth with a frikkin camera?? Seems like crazyness to me... Yeah yeah Im about to get shot in the back but I gotta take this picture for the sake of history? heh... Anyways yeah I know that Saving prv Ryan and MOHAA are nothing near the real thing, but it gives u a glimpse into it I think :)
I just noticed that I've been standing the exact same place as Hitler does in the picture where he's standing infront of The Eiffeltower. THAT EXACT same spot...
I know its a crappy opinion but war is a good thing. Earth is heading for a huge overpopulation problem and I cant see us moving to another planet anytime soon. We are destroying earth rapidly with the excess. The earths population is 6 billion, if it was culled to 2 billion things would improve.
Pauly said:
frannk.....is hitler!..lol
wow...thats freaky..

Now that you mention it...that pile of dead brunettes are starting to stink
azz0r said:
I know its a crappy opinion but war is a good thing. Earth is heading for a huge overpopulation problem and I cant see us moving to another planet anytime soon. We are destroying earth rapidly with the excess. The earths population is 6 billion, if it was culled to 2 billion things would improve.
well...the positive thing about war is.....we came up with soooo many new inventions...first aimed to kill people now...that we use in life for good causes.....
Pauly said:
well...the positive thing about war is.....we came up with soooo many new inventions...first aimed to kill people now...that we use in life for good causes.....

Well if ENIAC hadn't been invented then we would still be playing Monopoly
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
Can I ask smething? I dont know if you guys have seen Saving Prv Ryan or played MOHAA but who the hell where running around in that hell on earth with a frikkin camera?? Seems like crazyness to me... Yeah yeah Im about to get shot in the back but I gotta take this picture for the sake of history? heh... Anyways yeah I know that Saving prv Ryan and MOHAA are nothing near the real thing, but it gives u a glimpse into it I think :)

Alot of it was for propaganda causes, but yeah, most of those in the first post wouldn't have made very effective propaganda :/
With the bad theres always the good. The world wars were horrible but they led to greater things and always will. No doubt theyll be some kind of war in the future and maybe, just maybe, the rebuilding of earth will be on a diffrent planet; a new start.

Im a dreamer.
Mr.Reak said:
Russian and American soldiers are happy to see each other. Both survived through hell. To bad this friendship will be ended by damn Cold War…

Yeah.. war.

I understand what you mean, but it never really was a friendship. It was two unlikely allies that decided to join forces in an effort to oppose a larger threat. It wasn't America's fault Soviet Russia invaded Afghanistan and refused to leave Iran. It wasn't the US's fualt they shot down the relief plane, and installed the Berlin wall. But, yes, war is a horrible thing. But, sometimes it is necessary. You seem like a smart man, you should know this.

I wish Russia would be allies with us... I would've thought after that large terrorist situation they had in that theater they would've stood with us, but no. They wanted to keep their business with Saddam a secret. Business that should've never have taken plave.

ShakerMaker: Yeah, during elementary school they showed us video footage of the Concentration camps. And in Middle school they showed us more. Then in High School they showed us even more, and Schindler's list.
Uh, this post is not propaganda against or for war, just some pictures from WW2. Just wanted to show some people that war is not just point guns at each other and shoot like in CS (apparently some people here don’t understand horrors of war).

Here is more is more pics, some are positive (like winning).

I never said it was US fault, just saying to bad it ended like that. Maybe governments were never friends with each other, but at least soldiers were. It’s like WW1, German and British soldiers were friends and during the brakes they talked to each other, because both didn’t know why the hell this war was started in the first place.

Yeah, I remember that concentration camp video. It looked so surreal to me, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
/off topic
Can someone link the bit torrent sites plz?
/on topic

Yeah those pics are nasty.
All those that said "Hail EATLAW, paid the price didn't they :)
Mr.Reak said:
German soldiers, their helmet is design to make you feel like you fighting faceless humans, because shadow covers eyes.

Although German soldiers seemed like faceless humans they were just as scared of the Americans, British, and the Russians as we were scared of them. They way we saw them as being ruthless killers is the same way they us.

Edit: I think they show this is the movie "When Trumpets Fade". I'm not quite sure though you'd have to watch it I can't remember. Its a very good movie but surprisingly few people have seen it. I suggest that you do.
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
I know that Saving prv Ryan and MOHAA are nothing near the real thing, but it gives u a glimpse into it I think :)

i heard that Saving Private Ryan was actually really accurate to what happened. The way its done and shown is supposedly a very similar portrayal of what occurred. I think people that haven't seen it should so they can get a deeper appreciation of what WWII veterans did for us.
JonTheCanuck said:
i heard that Saving Private Ryan was actually really accurate to what happened. The way its done and shown is supposedly a very similar portrayal of what occurred. I think people that haven't seen it should so they can get a deeper appreciation of what WWII veterans did for us.

The D-Day scene was especially accurate; Veterans saying its only fault was that it wasn't loud enough. Scary stuff indeed.
Abom|nation said:
The D-Day scene was especially accurate; Veterans saying its only fault was that it wasn't loud enough. Scary stuff indeed.

yeah, i remember hearing how it caused a lot of veterans who watched it to get flashbacks :s
JonTheCanuck said:
yeah, i remember hearing how it caused a lot of veterans who watched it to get flashbacks :s

I remember going to the theater to see that and that the audience was mostly people of the WWII generation , thats awsome. I only wish Id been old enough to appreciate it back then.
Pauly said:
well...the positive thing about war is.....we came up with soooo many new inventions...first aimed to kill people now...that we use in life for good causes.....
Yeah, but war had many other inventions that were first used to kill people and now... we use them to kill more people. We did gain some things, but they are trivial in comparison to what we lost. War isn't good, and it never will be. The only justification for going to war is to stop something truely horrible- not utterly moronic squabbles like this Isreali vs. Palestinian conflict going on. (I am not implying ANYTHING about the Iraq war, so please don't make that a topic of discussion here.
ElFuhrer said:
Yeah, but war had many other inventions that were first used to kill people and now... we use them to kill more people. We did gain some things, but they are trivial in comparison to what we lost. War isn't good, and it never will be. The only justification for going to war is to stop something truely horrible- not utterly moronic squabbles like this Isreali vs. Palestinian conflict going on. (I am not implying ANYTHING about the Iraq war, so please don't make that a topic of discussion here.

Oh! So you think the Iraq War isn't good enough for ya! You want to be unpatriotic huh? j/k Yah, why can't we invent things without a war? Wars are costly in both the money and all the material things lost, oh yeah and some people die too but that's nothing compared to all the money lost. The "defense" industry could apply all its research and such towards good things and become a "technological research" industry. But that will never happen, seeing as people like to kill people if it will help them gain more stuff. I'd kill you right now If I'd get all your stuff and no harm or punishment would come towards me, but first I'd have to keep on telling myself how evil you are and that you need to be killed for the good of all.
I read an interesting article once about war. It was basically trying to justify the act saying that if it wasnt for WW1 & 2 and other subsequent wars / atrocities the world would be very much over-crowded in modern day society.

Regardless of how overcrowded the world gets war shouldnt happen and personally I think it shows just how disgusting the human race is capable of being. Thankfully I dont believe that anyone in the 'civilised' world will have to live the lives of the people in these pictures.

Good find btw, interesting images.
War...what a strange and terrible beast 'tis. Only through experience can we understand quite what is stirred in the primevil heart of every man when he is charged to go forth and annhiliate, and the closest we can come otherwise is in the darkest imaginings of our rabid minds. Pray for the soldier, for he does something that all men were designed to do, but fears and hates it as much as the most humanitarian of our kind.
For a similiarly harrowing experience, go here for the radio transcript of the Challenger Space Shuttle Crash. Sends shivers down my spine, that one.
Man, you must have been through a lot, Mr Reak. Those pictures you took must have a fair few stories of their own.
You did take them, right?
I cannot even begin to imagine how scary it must have been to storm the beach at Normandy, or even to be in combat. I think guns are cool, in a movie/game context, but give me a gun and tell me to fight or die and i just couldn't do it. I got SPR on dvd the other day (£3.99!) and that was honestly the only time i have ever felt bad about watching people fighting in a movie, even if it wasn't true to life it has reinforced the fact that war is never a good thing :(

The translator guy, that would probably be me in a war, although saying that adrenaline would have overcome me and i would have shot the german who stabbed the american. Thats another thing that scares me, hand to hand combat, but when it actually matters, when you might die. Its bloody scary indeed ;(
There's another thing. In war, I would be willing to bet (considering how good I am at paintball and squad tactics) that I would be failry successful in combat. But then, like cs, I'd be killed in an entirely pointless and annoying way, like a building would fall on me or something. In war, you never know what will happen...

As for Ruskies and Yanks, well, the actual top brass could hardly have been more unfriendly. But for the common soldier, the Russians were just friends fighting the same war for much the same reasons. I can see how ground troops on both sides could strike up friendships, but then those would be pounded into submission by their respective nation's proboganda...