Hellboy 2: The Golden Army


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
-official site. Love the concept art.

I liked the first Hellboy, but I am a much bigger fan of the graffic novels. (something very weird and eerie about them that I like)

Johann Kraus is in this one, one of my favorite characters. Hope they interperate him in a good way.

PS-I found a site with the red BPRD logo patch, going to put it on the arm of my military jacket. :)
I enjoyed the first one as well and am a fan of Del Toro's other work.
Am I the only one who thinks Hellboy is way awesomer than Spawn?

(very different things, but they've been compaired simply due to the whole supernatural/hell theme)
I haven't seen the first one, but I can say that Spawn is far more awesome than Hellboy.
I haven't seen the first one, but I can say that Spawn is far more awesome than Hellboy.

Spawn is neat, but Hellboy, both as a graphic novel and as a movie is far more creative in the realms of style and story.

Spawn on the other hand is extremely repetative, you get about 20 different variations of angry big teeth violators for nearly every enemy. Not to mention the theme in spawn is undeniably repetative, and so are the characters.

Hellboy's story is far more unique and creative, his villians constantly being at a change ranging from any force, Nazis, demons, witches, aliens, ghosts, monsters, and many more.

Not to mention the allies in Hellboy are some of the coolest and unique you will see in any graphic novel/comic book.

Not to mention the battles and events that occur in any Hellboy graphic novel are far more interesting and unique compared to the typical and expected battles in spawn comics.

Also, when it comes to aesthetics, Hellboy blows spawn out of the water.
Hellboy art combines an old industrial look with several different cultural styles, especially celtic and egyptian.
Del Toro represents this style perfectly in the films.
Hellot > most action heroes, with the exception of batman. I mean come on, its a man in a ****ing bat costume. A ****ing bat costume.
I liked the first one so i'm looking forward to this. :)
Woah... the first one was awesome. I'm hoping this one's going to be good too.

Please don't be another failed sequel. Please don't be another failed sequel. Please don't be another failed sequel.

My "not-girlfriend" loved this too. Hmm... a year, I can wait that long.
spawn and hellboy, not really good to compare the two as they both go for very different themes ..spawn is batman from hell whereas Hellboy is tongue and cheek cthulhu mythos ..Todd mcfarlane cant touch Mignola in both art and writing ..McFarlane is a hack compared to the artistry of Mignola.

I guess I'll finally have to watch the first one ...at some point
I love Del Toro's films and i enjoyed the first one very much.
He seems be getting better with each new movie.
Pan's Labyrinth was both, gritty and gorgeous.
I Am excited about this because of all the new characters we'll get to see and the new setting where it takes place.
The first movie had a very mad science and cthulhuish vibe to it.
This one will focus more on the folklore and fairy tales of it's universe.
Doug Jones,who played Abe Sapien in first one too but didn't voice him, will get to both now.
I guess the money bags producers were finally convinced of his talent after seeing his performance in Pan's Labyrinth.
Todd mcfarlane cant touch Mignola in both art and writing ..McFarlane is a hack compared to the artistry of Mignola.

indeed, indeed.

I know they are not good to compair, very different, just that people have compaired them before.
I did enjoy the comical side of Hellboy, so this one should be a blast too.
Been following this for the past year and a half, can not wait. The first was fun and good on the action.
I actually haven't read Hellboy, and I was simply comparing them on what I knew about Spawn. I'm sure I'd probably like Hellboy better if I actually went and read it. :p

lol, well thats not a very validated comparison then. I've seen both and read both.

It would be like me saying bananas are better than apples without ever trying an apple before.

Rent Hellboy, it's good. I'll be really surprised if you think Spawn is still better. It combines history and mythology perfectly.

Does anyone remember Kroenen? He was so badass, coolest Nazi villian ever. I've always been interested in replicating his mask, might do it as my next project :D



Yeah I think I ultimately prefer hellboy as well. I think spawn looks more badass but overall hellboy is a better comic.
I never read the comics, but enjoyed the Hellboy movie. The Spawn movie is quite possibly the worst i've seen.
The Spawn movie is quite possibly the worst i've seen.

it's pretty damn bad, especially how the actor trys to get that "angry" voice when he is spawn, sounds so stupid.

the entire film has that mid-90's cheese to it. The tounge in cheek humor in the movie isn't even good.

Hellboy's humor is good IMO, because it's so blatantly cheesy, Hellboy is a cocky guy, so it's kind of expected to get that type humor.

As where spawn is really cheesy at times they didn't intent to be...
I remember liking the first, have to go back and watch it again. Really dont remember much from it.
Never read either comic. Though Hellboy film was okay. Don't remember the Spawn film too well.
You know, I just might have been following this film closely since it was announced and been gobbling up every bit of information I can find, if my avatar wasn't enough to go off of. :D

But man, I cannot see a comparison with Spawn in which I wouldn't choose Hellboy hands down. Yeah its got a lot of cheese to it, but its that perfectly orchestrated cheese that is so hard to pull off but adds to the proceedings, not the kind where you just use it to fill in for laziness.
For those unfamiliar, a taste of the art style:


I assume you read the Graphic Novels, I read them, but haven't read them in a good year.

Who's the nazi who's head is in a jar with little robotic tentacles, and a mecha ape for his protection?

He was one of my favorites. That and Kraus
Thank you! :D

looks good and :LOL: at multibarreled revolver at end
Yeah, looks like exactly what I was looking for. Like a Hellboy movie, only moreso.
everything about that trailer looks great except I really dislike the main villian and the fact that they gave the BPRD special suits.

For the most part it reminds me of an actual hellboy graphic novel.

Johann looks good in the movie :) Kinda looks like the cremator from HL2. But they should have given him his original suit instead of that jumpsuit.
Looks almost like Hellboy 1 - Redux, which isn't nessecarily a bad thing cos' hellboy was cool. Why the hell does Matt Goss keep getting film roles though? He totally takes me out of the moment.. probably because I remember him pottering on about being famous:
