Hello CyberPitz...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Halflife2.net said:
Hello CyberPitz it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?

Alright, get the gun out of my face. I'll talk!

Anyway, what's up everybody? Heard that a new BF2 patch was released..and I just had to jump on and see what was up. I figured I would say, "Hi." Well gang, it was great talking..I miss you all! <3 And Ikerous, I know we are on a break, but please, PLEASE reconsider our friends with benefits discussion.

Anyway, I'm here all night. Lets keep this thread talking!
Welcome back butt buddy ^_^
(Alliteration ftw!)

Where the hell were you?
You're a goon. Play 1.3 with us tomorrow. It's now BF2: Humvee Shower.
Silly rabit, threads don't talk!
Pitzy is back! Figured you fell off a cliff or something... that or your internet died.


Anyway, I agree with Dread, BF2:Humvee Shower FTW FTW FTW!
Silly bugger. How can you not post here?
_Z_Ryuken said:
Didn't you do something one time?
No, that was that other guy.

edit : Welcome back, Pitz of Cyber...!

DreadLord1337 said:
You're a goon. Play 1.3 with us tomorrow. It's now BF2: Humvee Shower.

And Vodnik! At least that's what you were deploying on my head yesterday, in exchange for my Humvees. :p
Ahh Pitzy, I think i'll be able to get my BF2 up tomorrow, I expect to see you there!
Seems like he's disappeared again...

Oh nooeeezzz!!11

aargh havent been able to play bf2 yet, how is the new patch btw?
Ahh yes. I can't do anything internet at my place yet. I moved from my original dwelling, and am now living with another friend. We don't have the net, it's killing me hardcore.., but I check the email and such from here. It works out. Man, like 5 posts in the last month...I feel so...bad. I've betrayed HL2.net! :(

Well gang..I'm going to go head on to bed...hopefully I'll be back soon. I really need net. PS I have Cell Phone...417-499-1347 to chat! WEEE *yes, I tried to get 499-1337, but it was gone..closest was 1347. Anyway, yeah...I'm out, probably be back in a week or 2. If you're bored and want to say, "HIO!" then gimme teh call.

Later all.
