Hello Hl2.net

  • Thread starter Thread starter Raxel
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I was a mod creator way back in 1998-2002, and stopped after some real life issues. I know pretty much C,C++, OpenGl Extensions,Html,Php,Pearl,and a few others.However, I prefer to use C++ or C.My original mod was Ps07/Surprise, it was about funky weapons, gameplays,mutators,and mostly Fun. Though after a couple of release, I had attend to real life needs, so I gave my project away to someone, well , who kinda destructed the whole thing.......
So a couple of weeks ago, after I got everything sorted out, I decided to come back to the moding community. I use to be hosted by PHL, I knew the community pretty well. Though times have changed and PHL/Gamespy, has literally turned to crap. I was turned to hl2.net by a friend, I was surprised how nice community seems, compared to PHL....
Well here I'am now, hopefully talk to the wonderful community and get my mod started up again.
Oh, if I break any of the rules, please pm about it, so I can learn from my mistakes.

By the way, what is up with all these boring realism mods?
Another by the way, English is not my native language, so please bare with me.
"By the way, what is up with all these boring realism mods?"

I like you, can we be friends?
Welcome to the forums :thumbs: So what do you have planned for your mod :)?
I love you for the same reasons as Majestic :)

LET'S MAKE Opposing Force DM 2 :E
screw that, lets make opposing force deathmatch 3!!

and hi, btw... welcome to our humble abode :)
/me cuddles Raxel.
/me cuddles Raxel again.
Welcome, welcome, welcome!
/me cuddles again.
Oh btw man, you should come join us in EoJ. No realism 'ere :E
You fella wellcome to the boards. Have a nice day and hope you enjoy our serviec.

G00d T0 h4v3 s0m3 m0r3 m0dm4k3rs.
just because he makes mods doesnt mean he speaks with numbers and letters and calls himself "pr0"...
welcome man, glad your here to take back some of that realism that has been pushed into us so much! :)
Welcome to teh forumz. I eat babies.
Majestic XII, sure =)

Frosty207, Thx its good to be here. Basicly the mod is loads of fun.
Its about fun weapons [Such as a BFG,Redeemer,Railgun,Nailgun,etc], odd gameplays [Head hunt,Sci/Gman hunt,Assassination,Freeze Tag,Domination with spawn points,ctf with spawn points, and more] that can be turned on and off by mutators. That means you can usually use more then 1,2,3,4,5 gameplays at a time, or more. Though some gameplays/mutators will not work with others. The best part of it, everything will work with DM mods, and w/e hl2 comes with. Ill even support maps that are from valve mods, just incase you want to play a TFC or ugh a cs level. There is so much more about the mod, just wait for the site to come up, should be with in a couple of days, just waiting for the provider. Ill also take ideas off the fans and add them to the game, since Ill be able to have many release, since its just a coded mod. Though ill use models, that authors allow me to use and such. Nothing too realistic. Oh, btw, this is all possible, since I did most of it on hl1. O, its gonna be fun to mess with hl2.

ComradeBadger, lol I guess we will be all one big loving family :D. Don't worry, ill include op4 weapons in the mod, with new abilities attached to each one.

Suicide42, Sounds good =). Its good to be here =D.

CrazyHarij, Thx, this is a very friendly community.

Varg|Hund, aww. /me hugs Varg.

Tork, good to be here and I will enjoy every moment of it.

Varg|Hund, whats EOJ?

Ghoetic, good to be here and I'm happy you all allow me to use your services.

Farrowlesparrow, hello, um, fella.

Suicide42, amen.

slicktick, Thx, I remember when realism mods never existed, till CS, ugh.

Dux, thx ,good to be here.

Six Three, thx. /me hides all the babies around, but finds none.
Raxel said:
Varg|Hund, aww. /me hugs Varg.
Varg|Hund, whats EOJ?
Yay! Hugs all around!
/me hugs Raxel again.
/me hugs Farrowlesparrow too, just so he doesn't feel forgotten.
Psst, Farrow, are we still on for the bikeshed? ;)

Anyways, check the linky in my sig for more info about the Edge of Justice mod :)
Sorry about my post... forgot to close the jap text thingy in windows. (cant edit it either). I didnt say anything important anyways :)
EOJ = Edge of Justice, BrianDamages krazy mod.
Six Three said:
EOJ = Edge of Justice, BrianDamages krazy mod.
Oh. You know about it. Sooo, why are you not visiting the forums?
/me gives Six Three an angry look.

;) :P
Varg|Hund, ill check it out in a bit. /me Hugs Varg, again

Loke, Good to be here, my friend.

Majestic XII, no problem =).

Six Three, so I heard.

Varg|Hund, ok ok im going.

Geese, people post fast here. =P
Raxel said:
Varg|Hund, ok ok im going.
I was responding to SixThree there mate.
But it goes for you too! :dozey: Chop chop! To the EoJ forums! Mush mush!
:P :)
Varg|Hund said:
Oh. You know about it. Sooo, why are you not visiting the forums?
* Varg|Hund gives Six Three an angry look.

;) :P

It doesn't appeal to me kthxbyesorry.
Darkknight, post prior to that one deleted.. I'm tired of warning you all the time.

hello my dear headcrab Raxel - don't worry - one day you'll grow into a big fledgling... I mean Antlion... or whatever its called... HIs! :bounce: - and isn't this the coolest smilie ever!