Hello, My Name Used to be Brian_Damage, and This is My Apology



Hey everyone. Sorry about the whole Brian_Damage mixup. This is Dan, Babyheadcrab's lunatic friend. It's actually kindof a funny story. See, when i FIRST registered for access to this site's forums, I accidentally deleted the confirmation email :eek: So, the name I had originally picked, Moses, along with my email address were no longer usable. This wasn't a big deal though, because I was about to make the switch from Yahoo to Gmail as soon as I could get an invite. So, knowing I could change the email address later, I got a throwaway email account at Yahoo, and picked Brian_Damage as a name without consulting Babyhead. See, Brian Damage was a name I found while scrolling through the random name generator in Worms: Armageddon. Liking it, I've been using it as a handle in many online multiplayer games. I use the underscore whenever possible, because it gives it a hackerish feel to it. Yeah, stupid, I know. Then, I started posting. Oh yeah, Babyhead and I were pulling an all-nighter and switched off using the PC. So I understand how it appeared that he had just switched back and forth between accounts. Once again, I'm sorry. And I'm also sorry about all the Andy Kaufman references, I watched Man On the Moon yesterday so I've got him on the brain. :rolling: Anyway, I hope that clears everything up. I'm not just some troll who just posts just to tick people off, I'm a semi-serious HL player and I'm obviously getting HL2 as soon as it comes out. So are we cool?
sure, it was pretty confusing b/c when i heard brain_damage got banned, i was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? and then when i hear the story i think it's actually really funny, so yea WELCOME TO THE FORUMS
haha nice story. sorry people got mad at you about the same names, but it all makes sense now. anyway, welcome to the forums, happy posting.

oh, and i noticed ^^ ray_MAN and Marksman are 1 post away from eachother, heh heh...why am i pointing this out? i don't know yet...
Ah, right. And there I was thinking it was BabyHeadcrab taking the piss...