

Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Hi, my name is Qwert93(weird name, I know). I've decided to join the forums because I want to help others. I live in Singapore , is 12 years old and, oh, I think Half-Life 2 ROCKS. Well, I guess that's about it. I thank you for your patient reading.
Qwert93 said:
Hi, my name is Qwert93(weird name, I know). I've decided to join the forums because I want to help others. I live in Singapore , is 12 years old and, oh, I think Half-Life 2 ROCKS. Well, I guess that's about it. I thank you for your patient reading.

my names weirder.

hello anyway.

how do you want to help?

if you want to help me, fix my computers constant reboot problem.

anyway, hi
Welcome, child...
Ok, really we're pleased to have you here...
not to be redundant... but welcome!
Welcome! Welcome to halflife2.net. It's safer here...
(I know it was overused but it's still a classic "welcome sentence" :p)
Qwert93 said:
Hi, my name is Qwert93
Your parents hate you, don't they?

Anyway...welcome to the forums, be good, blah blah blah...
Where have I seen you before??

Welcome to the forums. :D
odd my sister has qwerty<something>@hotmail as her mail address
that may be because qwerty is/are? the first six letters on your keyboard.