Help Corrupt or Missing?


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
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I have this terrible problem. My computer will not start because it says I have a corrupt or missing Windows\System32\Config\System file.. It then tells me to click R for repair at the first screen of the Windows Setup.. I do that.. It then comes to a black screen asking me to enter a command to fix it.
This is where I get stuck. I am sure I can fix it, but I do not know what to put in.. There are numerous choices like Batch, Copy, Attrib, etc..

Please just help me..
Do you have your windows cd in the tray when you click repair? You could also try booting from the cd and then going to c > properties > tools > error checking, assuming you have xp.
The problem is I can't copy the file to the HD. Like I figured out how to get to the directory and what not... It is just I can't figure out how to paste it in there.. This is so annoying.. Of course I have it in the tray.. If I didn't, how would I access the Repair screen? :P
u might have to rma ur hd if u can because i installed windows one time and it had a corrupt file then i restarted and then it like kept saying press any key to boot from cd over and over and it wouldnt do anything so i rma'd it
It cannot be the HD. I have had it for 6 months and it just started doing this after I completely reinstalled everything. I do not want to reformat again. This is getting me very annoyed. Please there has to be a fix without reinstalling everything. I cannot even backup my files! This is ridiculous!
Sometimes this is caused by faulty memory. Try your memory in another computer, or if you have lowered the timings, set them back.
I have had this problem before, you need to look for the commands to copy the corrupt file from the XP cd to your hd. I will try and find the site I used when I had this problem.
I found one command and that was the copy one. I just do not know how to paste it into my current installation of XP.