Help fast! Internet being a douche


Nov 1, 2004
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My internet is acting weird, almost no sites work except for this forum and a few other sites like kotaku. All big sites wont work, like google or facebook. It has effected my entire network, all of the computers in my home has the same problem. I tried disconnecting my router for a few minutes but that didnt help.

Why is this happening? You guys are my only source right now as pretty much 90% of the internet is unreachable for me.


Msn messenger doesnt work, but steam does.

Sites that work for me: (and forum)

Why do only these sites work? What do they have incommon?

When doing an error report with msn messenger it gives me yellow warning signs next to DNS and Keyports. Clicking the repair button doesnt work.
It's your DNS server or something like that.
How do i fix it?


Im not sure its DNS as i typed in the IP to google in the web browser and it didnt work, i cant even ping google.
Is there a dns server setting in your router? Set the DNS to /

Those DNS servers are from Open DNS, I often use them when Virgin media's shit servers make my internet really slow / not loading pages.

You can always switch back if you want to use your ISP's DNS again.
Hm yeah it appears to be a DNS problem. stopped working too, but i can reach it by using a proxy (

How do i figure out my ISPs DNS? and how do i check if they are offline?
I would call your ISP before ****ing around with shit I didn't understand. First of all, you didn't change anything, and suddenly things don't work. So changing things now doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Something changed, obviously.

Again, call your ISP and tell them what's happened. I've gone through a lot of trouble before, before finding out that there was a problem at my ISP.
Hm, its 23:00 atm, do most ISPs have phone support open this long?

EDIT: Yeah its definitly a problem with my ISP, my friends are having the same problem and we all use the same ISP. ****ing shit
EDIT: nevermind. Seems like the ISP fixed itself now. Thanks for the help (sry for double post)