Help Frost from Satyricon get into the US


Sep 24, 2003
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Even if you're not a big fan of Satyricon, it is ridiculous that Frost (drummer) is being denied a work visa because of a bar fight a decade ago. Show your support for freedom of speech and music.

Satyr – It’s really strict and it’s really unfair in the way that, the problem is that the Department of Homeland Securities obviously don’t have that many rules and regulations to stick by. It’s very much up to each individual to look at your application, so there are cases of Norwegian black metallers who have done three or four years of time for burning down a church who go to the United States and tour with a visa and a work permit all the time, and you have my drummer who did a five month sentence for a bar fight and can’t get into the country, so it doesn’t make sense you know? And the problem is that the decisions they make are irreversible, and it’s like they just play God, and the letter, it’s more of a formality when they turn you down, they send you a letter, it said “you are advised not to seek entry into the United States for at least another two years” and we’re like why? Is everything going to be ok in two years? I don’t know.

taken from:

I doubt it will one really takes these online petitions seriously, and I doubt you'll get enough (valid) signatures to even make them reconsider giving him a visa. While it is incredibly unfair, I don't see how an online petition will do anything. :(
Never heard of them, don't wanna help them spread their virus.
They are actually quite good for a bm band, and nice chaps as well.
KagePrototype said:
I doubt it will one really takes these online petitions seriously, and I doubt you'll get enough (valid) signatures to even make them reconsider giving him a visa. While it is incredibly unfair, I don't see how an online petition will do anything. :(

Yes but it's the idea that matters. Maybe some people will take the initiative to make real petitions. The internet is the best way to spread the idea around.
poksmote said:
Yes but it's the idea that matters. Maybe some people will take the initiative to make real petitions. The internet is the best way to spread the idea around.
Exactly. Does the "California Recall Election" ring a bell?