Help hooking up my Leadtek 6800gt

Jul 1, 2003
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Help with my new computer

I just got my gfx card in the mail from newegg today and I'm putting it in. It has a power connector that needs to be hooked up in order for it to work properly. The card came with a power splitter. I hooked up the cord to the card and one of the ends to a random connecter that looks like it's coming from my psu. I started up my comp and it said the card was underpowered.

I'm wondering if I need to hook up both connectors or if maybe I hooked the one up to a wrong connector or something.


EDIT: comp takes FOREVER to start up. I get the bios startup stuff, then the screen goes black and sits there for like 4-5 minutes (not thinking or anything). Then the windows loading finally comes up and it continues. Any help on this too?
AmishSlayer said:
I just got my gfx card in the mail from newegg today and I'm putting it in. It has a power connector that needs to be hooked up in order for it to work properly. The card came with a power splitter. I hooked up the cord to the card and one of the ends to a random connecter that looks like it's coming from my psu. I started up my comp and it said the card was underpowered.

I'm wondering if I need to hook up both connectors or if maybe I hooked the one up to a wrong connector or something.


EDIT: comp takes FOREVER to start up. I get the bios startup stuff, then the screen goes black and sits there for like 4-5 minutes (not thinking or anything). Then the windows loading finally comes up and it continues. Any help on this too?

Yes, you have to hook up both of the connectors.

And on the comp loading, you're boned. It's something that just happens during some installs, and your only way out is a reformat. I'd suggest reformatting anyway, since you've only now installed the video card.
sinkoman said:
Yes, you have to hook up both of the connectors.

And on the comp loading, you're boned. It's something that just happens during some installs, and your only way out is a reformat. I'd suggest reformatting anyway, since you've only now installed the video card.

Well I installed the gfx card before even properly powering up my comp for the first time. After posting here I realized that I needed both hooked up and it didn't give me any messages.

As for the startup...that sucks hardcore. I've just finally finished setting up all the basic stuff which took me a couple hours total.

EDIT: Ok not cool. I just finished my post and was about to start installing something else when I got some visual distortion at the top of my screen and my computer locked up. I had to hard shut down and restart. I don't see why this would be happening. I have plenty of cooling in my's running at 83-84 degrees F. I have full power to the card now and my psu should be able to handle's 420W.
AmishSlayer said:
Well I installed the gfx card before even properly powering up my comp for the first time. After posting here I realized that I needed both hooked up and it didn't give me any messages.

As for the startup...that sucks hardcore. I've just finally finished setting up all the basic stuff which took me a couple hours total.

Yeah well, I hate having to reformat also :(. It sucks an especially big one when you have your computer all set up and everythings running, tones of files you don't want to lose, and the right out of the blue, something goes wrong.

But that's what the UBCD is for eh? :thumbs:

Oh well, since you'll be doing a clean format already (unless you chose to put up with it, viable option) i'd reccomend you download all driver files and guides from before doing it. It'll simplify things ALLOT. Just dl all the stuff you need (driver files, xptc, etc...) and burn it to a disk, or save it to a pendrive.

I'd reccomend also burning the installs for your favorite antivirus, antispyware, and firewall apps. Then you won't have a period of *OPEN* where anybody could get you. But as I said, follow the XPTC and you should be fine (don't forget to burn acrobat reader to a disk).

Goodluck with your new pc!

EDIT: Read your edit. See if you still get this problem after the reformat. Consider a reformat an easy way out of things.
sinkoman said:
Yeah well, I hate having to reformat also :(. It sucks an especially big one when you have your computer all set up and everythings running, tones of files you don't want to lose, and the right out of the blue, something goes wrong.

But that's what the UBCD is for eh? :thumbs:

Oh well, since you'll be doing a clean format already (unless you chose to put up with it, viable option) i'd reccomend you download all driver files and guides from before doing it. It'll simplify things ALLOT. Just dl all the stuff you need (driver files, xptc, etc...) and burn it to a disk, or save it to a pendrive.

I'd reccomend also burning the installs for your favorite antivirus, antispyware, and firewall apps. Then you won't have a period of *OPEN* where anybody could get you. But as I said, follow the XPTC and you should be fine (don't forget to burn acrobat reader to a disk).

Goodluck with your new pc!

EDIT: Read your edit. See if you still get this problem after the reformat. Consider a reformat an easy way out of things.

If it happens again I'm gonna format asap but for now I wanna test some other things out. I might format soon though.
AmishSlayer said:
If it happens again I'm gonna format asap but for now I wanna test some other things out. I might format soon though.

Is "testing" Slayer code word for "gaming"?

You might want to read something called a "manual" assuming causes pain..a manual makes success...always read the manual.
sinkoman said:
Is "testing" Slayer code word for "gaming"?


I was gonna run 3dmark05 actually :P

dream431ca said:
You might want to read something called a "manual" assuming causes pain..a manual makes success...always read the manual.

I did read the manual but it wasn't clear if I should plug both in.

Anyways...I'm at work right now but it locked up on me again (no visual distortion this time) when I was updating windows stuff. In fact every time it has locked up or messed up is when I was installing windows updates. I don't know if it's because I was running programs that put a moderate strain on the computer or if it's the updates themselves that's messing up my shit.

Starting to get worried though... I don't like this. I suspect a hardware problem. If a reformat doesn't help I'll be pissed. I've already been without a decent computer long enough.
If it's JUST the IE Window at the windows updates page locking up, and not your entire system, then you're fine. Windows update does that allot.

Do you have all your drivers installed and such?

I can't think how this could be a hardware problem, other than overheating, which we've allready gone over.
Well for some reason I couldn't even open up just sat there at a black screen doing nothing and one time I got a blue screen error for an instant and my computer restarted.

I formatted again and the startup delay is still there. I haven't gotten the chance to do Windows updates to see if they lock up my entire system again.

EDIT: Well I got a computer lockup again when I was updating some windows software. A bar of distortion and weird colors appeared across my screen and I couldn't do anything. It was installing .NET frameworking at the time. I restarted (I press tab just as it's going into the black screen and it immediately continues to start up now) and installed all the other updates besides the .NET frameworking and they worked fine.

Time to install DX9 and see if BF2 will work.
Just wondering, for the 2 power connectors are they on a cable like this or are they on the card like this?

If it's the cable then you don't need to even use it. It's just incase you are out of plugs so it splits one for you.
If it's the 2 connectors on the card then I would plug them both in.
There's a power cable like your first pic (except the single end is a 6-pin connector) that connects to a 6-pin port on the side of the card.

EDIT: I just noticed something during my most recent startup. My bios info and startup stuff comes up and it doesn't show what my main processor is each time. Sometimes it's not even there...this time it was. WTF is the deal with my computer?

I'm almost to the point where I'm willing to take it into GeekSquad or something and pay them the $60 it would be to find the problem....although that'd take a week and I'm sick of waiting.
Well, if it's a 6 pin then it's a pci-e power connector, you need to plug 2 4 pin molex connectors into an adapter, which should come with your card. If your psu comes with a 6 pin then use it. What wattage is your psu? And make sure that the connectors you're plugging in aren't on the same cable.
holydeadpenguins said:
Well, if it's a 6 pin then it's a pci-e power connector, you need to plug 2 4 pin molex connectors into an adapter, which should come with your card. If your psu comes with a 6 pin then use it. What wattage is your psu? And make sure that the connectors you're plugging in aren't on the same cable.

I can't tell with the mess of cables if they're on the same cable but I have a 420W psu.

I've had a few recommendations saying I need a more powerful psu. With my system, lights and fans going 420W isn't cutting it. That's the current word I have from various hl2.netters

EDIT: Do I need SP2? I have a COMPLETELY LEGIT VERSION of windows and can't get it...please tell me this problem isn't THAT easy to solve...
AmishSlayer said:
EDIT: Do I need SP2? I have a pirated version of windows and can't get it...please tell me this problem isn't THAT easy to solve...

^^ uh... pirated eh... u shouldnt have said that... we're not supposed to help pirates here
Zappathefappa said:
^^ uh... pirated eh... u shouldnt have said that... we're not supposed to help pirates here

Did I say pirated? I meant completely legit!
Alan Freeman said:
sorry to here that.

I'll have to order my new PSU come Monday. Hopefully I get lucky and newegg ships in 2 days like last time :D
I used to know a guy at M$ that could get me XP Pro for only 20 USD, but then my mom broke up with him :(

Figures, he was an idiot anyway, despite the fact that I got all the money for my PC (sig) from a job he gave me :P

Anyway, ordering XP home might be a good idea when you get your PSU, since then you can get it OEM (maybe not?) but I understand that you're in a tight situation money wise.

I got my new psu installed and I still have the same lockups.

2 things:
-The psu is antec with Smartpower or something so the intake fan on the inside portion of the psu runs all the time sucking the hot air out of the case while the exhaust fan is just off until the psu is under stress.
-I was running the 3dmark05 demos (it locked up when trying to load the 4th demo) and the exhaust fan DIDN'T turn on. My only guess now is that the gfx card isn't demanding the power it needs from the psu or something...

If a 3dmark05 demo wouldn't make a 6800gt want more juice...I don't know what would.
You could very well have a dud card, RMA it and get a new one.
socK said:
You could very well have a dud card, RMA it and get a new one.

I actually discovered the problem thanks to the help of my roomate that knows less than I do about hardware (and that's saying something).

It was my ram all along. I took my ram out, popped in the crappy 256mb stick that came with the comp and booted up...FEAR loaded up fine (slowly...but surely) and nothing crashed.

I took that stick out and dropped in a gig that my roomate had and everything runs just dandy...

Looks like the PSU might have worked out just fine...but I'll keep this new one because I'm sure it's solid.

Although I'm still a little worried because the exhaust fan has yet to come on. I'm glad it's nice and quiet but I just hope the PSU doesn't burn out or something.
Glad to see you've gotten it working. I would've never thought random freezes could be ram :P

But good god, another RMA. Poor guy :(
sinkoman said:
Glad to see you've gotten it working. I would've never thought random freezes could be ram :P

But good god, another RMA. Poor guy :(

The ram is older. AlanFreeman gave it to me a while back. My buddy had a gig of ram, same speed same brand actually, that I'm using now.

I could RMA the PSU if I wanted but this PSU is not only better, but all the cords are nice and I had to cut the zip-ties from the other case PSU just to get everything out.

I'm still worried about that fan though. I thought that it would've turned on at least when the comp turns on or when I'm gaming...
Blah, don't worry. Allot of PSU's don't even HAVE exhaust fans. That one's prolly just a luxury. And I doubt gaming could load it up. It could probably START to load it up, but nothing close to it's max output.

BTW, does the PSU have a little knob on the back of it? If so, that's the fan controller :P
sinkoman said:
Blah, don't worry. Allot of PSU's don't even HAVE exhaust fans. That one's prolly just a luxury. And I doubt gaming could load it up. It could probably START to load it up, but nothing close to it's max output.

BTW, does the PSU have a little knob on the back of it? If so, that's the fan controller :P

I thought all psu's had an exhaust fan at least...

Check out my sweet diagram for what I'm talking about.

EDIT: Ix-nay on the ob-nay


  • sweetdiagram.JPG
    7.4 KB · Views: 146
I know a lot of PSU have one fan that is connected to the PSU board for power and there is a 3pin plug for the other fan to connect to the motherboard.
/me shrugs
Asus said:
I know a lot of PSU have one fan that is connected to the PSU board for power and there is a 3pin plug for the other fan to connect to the motherboard.
/me shrugs

There was a 3-pin connector that I hooked up to my motherboard. The manual just said it was for monitoring the speed but wasn't needed for the psu to work (I assume the fan operation is included in that).