Help... I can't advance!


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Okay... I've been playing BF2 for a couple days, and I have 557 points... but I'm still a private. The bar that shows your progress is full, but I'm not a PFC. So far everyone I've asked says that you hit PFC at 500, but... I dunno. Anyway, does anyone know why this is, and how to fix it?
Just carry on playing, you'll get promoted in game eventually. I had to that for both PFC and when I got to Lance Corporal. Even after you get it ingame however, you'll have to wait a bit for your stats to update.
It should be at 500, might take a while for the EA stats server to actually show your advance, as there is a backlog atm, cos so many peope are playing!
Ok, I did what you all said... and it worked fine. I am now a proud PFC! (although, for some reason, I was promoted to PFC twice... well, whatever). Mods, feel free to close this topic now.