HELP!! I can't pick up my weapons



thank U for reading this message. Hopfully you can help me. For some reason, I can't pick up my weapons as a spawn or after I kill someone holding my weapons. The weapon drops to the floor fine but I just can't pick it up. Got
any advise? here's my QC just in case you wanna see it:

$modelname "GF/kdavid/weapons/Dumpster_Shotgun_3rd.mdl"
$cdmaterials "Models/GF/kdavid/weapons"

$scale 1

$surfaceprop "weapon"

$keyvalues { "prop_data" { "base" "metal.medium" } }

$model Shotgun_3rdPerson "Shotgun_3rdPerson.smd"

$sequence idle "Idle01" loop fps 15

$collisionmodel "phymodel" {

$mass 2.0
$inertia 1.00
$damping 0.00
$rotdamping 0.00

Plz lemme know if if U need more info. Thx again.
Pick up problem update

Based on some of the tests I've done, the "pick up" mechanism appears to be somthing I have to minipulate in the 3d scene or HLMV but, I can't tell what. My reason for suspectin' this was becuse I noticed I was able to pick up my weapon ONLY when it falls to the ground on its right side. If it falls on its left side then I can't pick up the weapon or extra ammo. any ideas? So am I right? Is the "pick up" object an attchment? If so, what am I suppose to name it? any other ideas?