Help, I'm losing my selfconfidence!


Feb 22, 2004
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Hi guys, I have a problem. My girlfriend has seriously damaged my selfconfidence... I don't like to talk about it, but I will cry out here where I hope people will understand me and my problem.
My gilrfriend havn't blowed me off, said small bad thing nor said things were small... My girlfriend has boght a new computer - what's the problem you think - the problem is that it is a P4 3.0 GHz HT/1mb cach, 1024 mb ram, 120 GB SATA and a 9800 PRO128 mb and the anly she plays is THE SIMS!! I cannot continiue like this much longer ;( Please help and give some kind of advise ;(
Install HL and various other games, and rename the shortcut to Sims, also put the sims icon. At the same time hide the sims disks ;)

Err tried putting her on Graphical adventures? It seems to be the easiest way forward. RPG's are also pritty cool. So slowy wean her onto a diet of pixelated carnage till before you know it she's fragging you left right and centre... oh wait that wont help with your self confidence...
My gilrfriend havn't blowed me off, said small bad thing nor said things were small
I would get a penis extension if i was you. Yes, definitely a penis extension!!
Or brag about how hot she is, and how you have a girlfriend.

That should increase your e-penis :D
God here we go with the cock jokes. I'd deffinatley try and get her into some light RPG's and Adventure games and see how it progresses. If she likes them then bang Unreal 2004 in there and you're away. ;D
Synthaxx R-or said:
Or brag about how hot she is, and how you have a girlfriend.

That should increase your e-penis :D
quoted for emphasis :P

cept I'm all alone :(

My gf has a better PC than me and she dosn't even use it!

And You know WHHAATTTTT T T T???? I don't care! Because if your gf really loves you and dosn't care how much of a geek you are...she will let you play your games on her pc.

Lighten up for craps sake.

Relationships are about sharing..... "marrage is about compromise..........and hidding behind the kudzu in your back yard till the lights go out in your appartment".
Kifpe said:
My girlfriend has boght a new computer - what's the problem you think - the problem is that it is a P4 3.0 GHz HT/1mb cach, 1024 mb ram, 120 GB SATA and a 9800 PRO128 mb and the anly she plays is THE SIMS!! I cannot continiue like this much longer ;( Please help and give some kind of advise ;(

And how, pray tell, does this affect your self-confidence?
Dude I never had any self-confidence to begin with, you're far better than me.
LOL :D what great answers. Ofcourse I'm not affected, and I'm sure to play some FPSs on it - DOOM 3, and she left the room, he he... :)
Kifpe, I feel sorry for your girlfriend. She buys a good computer and you need to come whine about it? Sad..
The Mistress said:
Kifpe, I feel sorry for your girlfriend. She buys a good computer and you need to come whine about it? Sad..

He's not whining Mistress, he's joking about it. I seriously doubt he really meant those things, I could be wrong however ;)
Pfff girls, they don't know about computers, AND they smell :|

Nick stuff at random, like replace the graphics card with a geforce 2. She'll never know! Girls are REALLY stupid about this sort of stuff, and they can't drive.

Take any of that seriously and i'll put you in the bread bin
Murray_H said:
Pfff girls, they don't know about computers, AND they smell :|

Nick stuff at random, like replace the graphics card with a geforce 2. She'll never know! Girls are REALLY stupid about this sort of stuff, and they can't drive.

Take any of that seriously and i'll put you in the bread bin

Me climbs into the bread bing

(and if you took that seriously, I'm bringing you in here with me)