Help! (In Hell)


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
I've gotten all the way to Hell without any problems, but now I'm at the part where you have to kill the guardian. So, first I shoot all 3 seekers, and then the guardian, but he just doesn't want to die... I ran out of ammo so I'm pretty much stumped as I don't know what I've been doing wrong...

BTW, I think Hell is by far the coolest part of the game. It's alot more freaky, and harder, than any of the other parts.
Ok, when you kill all the seekers, the guardian will summon them again, but while he does that, a blue sphere will appear above him, take your rocket laucher and bombard that sucker. After you kill the seekers and shoot at the sphere three times, he dies (at medium difficulty for me).

[EDIT]: when I had a boss question, the admin closed my thread, lucky I got to yoru question before that ass got to close it.
Help Im in Hell
great NIN song

however I am not there yet
*just got to the telekenetic spider chick... she is whooping my ass*
lazicsavo said:
Ok, when you kill all the seekers, the guardian will summon them again, but while he does that, a blue sphere will appear above him, take your rocket laucher and bombard that sucker. After you kill the seekers and shoot at the sphere three times, he dies (at medium difficulty for me).

[EDIT]: when I had a boss question, the admin closed my thread, lucky I got to yoru question before that ass got to close it.

OH!!! No wonder... I kept shooting him, and not the sphere. I shot him at him with like 30 rockets... Ok, I'll go try it.

EDIT: Alright, that worked. My god he sucks so much, I was expecting it to be harder... He didnt even damage me...
What do they say? "Destory us and the Guardian becomes our (?your?) ammo" That's what clued me in.
phantomdesign said:
What do they say? "Destory us and the Guardian becomes our (?your?) ammo" That's what clued me in.

actually the soulcube straight up tells you to kill the seekers, and attack the sphere.

I played on veteran, so maybe its different on lower difficulties.