Help in my latest map..


May 15, 2010
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I am creating something similar to horde in gears of war 2 in my mod. Ok, well I am making it where npcs spawn and there is a game_text that displays the round and all, lets use 6 examples here.
They are entitites named :
temp1 - Zombie Npc
temp2 - Metropoliec Npc
temp3 - Combine Npc
T1 - text displaying "Wave 1"
T2 - text displaying "Wave 2"
temp4 - Combine npc
Ok, how can I make it where once ALL temps(1,2,3 NOT 4) all of their npcs spawn and die, that T2 will show and temp 4 will spawn. I am trying to do it, but I don't know how, for example I can add the command to each temp, but if you kill all monsters in temp 1, you still have temp 2 & 3 in the next wave, see what I mean?

Anybody know how I can fix this?