Help! Map is ruined!



I'm working on a map, DM_Palace, and after adding a basement level, I get this error when loading hl2.


This is insanely infuriating. Hl2DM doesn't even have the decency to warn me about an error, it just crashes when I load it there.

I tried deleting parts of the basement, one after the other. Then the whole basement. Same error. Copy-pasted the map into a new map. Same error. The only thing I altered since I started getting this was the basement, why do I still crash after deleting the whole of it? And (very) early versions of the map work fine.

ANY help would be very much appreciated, as this was getting to be a pretty sweet map... :flame:

Gah, well I found the source of the problem.. I had to delete chunks of my level, piece by piece and running it hehe, to find out that a func_breakable_surf window had nodraw applied to all six faces and would cause the error.

I have no idea how that window got altered though.
If you made breakable_surface glass in the map it could be crashing because you used the incorrect texture for the glass.

EDIT: lol sorry didnt look at the last post, yeah i see you guessed it.
Don't forget to save on different names, it often saves lives.
NO! Not palace -
saw some of your WIP shots and it was lookin good...sometimes i get this error when just trying to minimise the game.Works in the end though so i cant really help you there.
i didnt think it would be worth creating a new thread because i have exactly the same problem. the exact same screen comes up. My Map is fine as it is but when i add any more brushes that error comes up when load the map up. when i delete those brushes the map loads up fine. im really stuck with this one.
there just textured with a conceate texture. that texture is fine because ive used it in other parts of this leval
this is really annoying me
Try sending your map to someone to see if they can pinpoint the problem. I know the agony of having hard work seem to go to waste.. In fact, if you use MSN Mess, shoot me your email and I can try to help you out.