Help me choose The Path of neo or POP3

Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
hey im about to buy a game off of ebgames and i wanted to know which i should get, the path of neo (xbox) or prince of persia 3, (for the xbox too)

Path of Neo is fun for awhile, but the kung-fu system is simple and the gunplay is horrible
POP3 definetly...

Path of Neo looks hideous, sucks balliciousness, and cannot compare to ze real life Matrix!! :thumbs:

I agree wiht Dalamari about Path of Neo. It's OK, but it's not great...
Path of Neo.

I wanted to be different. :(

Okay okay, PoP3.
Wouldn't know as i havn't played either, but if i had to choose i'd get both :p
It ain't really that obvious though as at the end of the day it all comes down to a matter of preferance rather then stated facts.
There's been so many "Help me choose" threads recently. Doesn't make sense to me, just buy the one you want the most, and if you don't like it, return it pick up the other one. Or rent one first.
Path of Neo is a horrible turd of a game - get PoP3
I'll help you choose - if you buy Path of Neo and thereby further encourage Shiny to continue shipping crap of this nature, then I'll track you down and eviscerate you with a blunt, rusty spoon.

So PoP3 it is then.
PoP3, even though it has its fair share of bugs, but has great story and fights are awesome. DO IT DO IT!