Help me find my new directx 10 card


Sep 13, 2003
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I've been playing some COD4 and Crysis, and my Radeon 1800 isn't cutting it anymore, so I've been thinking its time to move up to directx 10. The card I've been thinking about getting is the Nvidia 8800GT, which seems to be the standard setter, and has good performance at a decent price ($250). I haven't kept up with video card news, so I don't know how the ATI cards compare.

Does anybody have any suggestions on my next video card purchase?
8800GT 512mb. Really, you are right, it's the best for that price. Try to get one of the SC editions or something like that.
If you're sure you want a new card, try overclocking your current one a little.

I wanted an 8800GT to replace my X1300Pro. It was then I decided to OC my card a little, and its really helping. I can now raise the resolution or turn on shadows on CoD4 without the image lagging. I'm gonna keep OCing the card, bit by bit until the new Nvidia cards arrive, so I can buy an 8800GT cheaper :D
8800gt is sweet.
Be careful of the "big" american brands like evga and bfg, they tend to still use the older stock coolers, which aren't great.
The new OCed 3870 is out now. It "gives the same speeds as an 8800GT" and is 10 pounds cheaper. It is however a dual-slot, and its slightly noiser. As it's already overclocked, you cant push it as far as the 8800GT, but if you're not planning on overclocking the GT, you could go with the 3870.
I can't find any 8800GTs that doesn't use single slot cooling. Double slot cooling is great and I'd pay extra.
8800gt is sweet.
Be careful of the "big" american brands like evga and bfg, they tend to still use the older stock coolers, which aren't great.

Do you know which brands are using the new coolers?
The newer fans are much quieter for one thing, as well as several degrees cooler.

I went for an Xpertvision 8800gt and the cooling is excellent, and better power solution too which is meant to help when I decide to overclock.
Are you willing to pony up the cash for a top-of-the-line card?

If you are, wait for just a little while longer because Nvidia is releasing their 9x00 series soon which are going to be the first cards to support DX 10.1 (that is assuming you are running Vista and will obviously upgrade to SP1 next month or else the card isn't getting used to its full potential).
Wait for Dx10.1 cards, IMO. They will probably be more refined than the first generation Dx10 cards, and support the new Dx10.1 features.
im quite satisfied with my 8600, its from the american brand, evga or whatever its called.

I oc it to around 580 core, and 740 mem
I tought the Geforce 9 mid end cards would be better.
Depends how long you want to wait.
The very top-end 9800 model (ultra equivalent I think) is meant to be out sometime in March, but I haven't heard anything about the better priced top-end 9 series cards yet.
Unless im reading this wrong, it looks like the 9600gt is significantly worse than the 8800gt.
I was sort of inferring that the 9800 series will be much better than the 8800 series because Nvidia high end cards are roughly twice (or more) as fast as their midrange cards. Since the 9600gt is bit slower than the 8800gt, then I reasoned the 9800gt will probably be much faster than the 8800gt.
Apparently the 9800 X2 is only ~30% faster than the 8800 ultra. Which doesn't seem like a whole lot.