Help me fix my pitiful frame rate


Sep 24, 2003
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I reformatted my hard drive, reinstalled Half-Life 2, installed the latest drivers for my GeForce 6800 GT, set everything to the lowest settings possible, and I still get this FPS. I have a 3.2 Ghz P4 and 1 gig of DDR. Any ideas? I don't think it's faulty hardware.
Dude that is bad, i have a 6800gt and i would get minimum 50 frames at that point of the game with antialising and anistropic filtering applied. You obvioulsy havent installed the chipset drivers for your motherboard or not installed drivers for your card because something is very very wrong. Did you connect your graphics card to your power source as that card is power hungry. If that doesn't solve your problems then return your card, it is faulty.
yeah you defenitely should be getting better frame rates then that, dont really have any advice other than to install all the latest drivers, maybe the HL2 optimized ones, or it may even be a faulty card.