Help me keep my sanity!


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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As some of you know I recently had surgery. I am able to work (desk job) but besides that I have nothing to do because of the injury. This and youtube are pretty much the most frequented sites but I need something else to do so I don't die of boredom. I guess I'm asking for some good websites that are both interesting and time consuming.

There are only so many episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond a guy can watch!

This is the current list i'm working off:

lame, i know..that's why I'm leaving it up to you lovely people.
When I was in your situation, I got into reading. I really got into reading. I think I got through over 50 books in the space of six months.

The internet is your enemy because it's all the same shit and you just end up refreshing the same website over and over again, passing the time in such monotony. Try and avoid spending too much time on it.

Books are your friend because they immerse you in a totally different world, take your mind off your problems, the time passes very quickly with a good book and it's actually a lot of fun too.
Get into reading, yeah.
Also, is good, you can spend hours just watching hundreds of videos.
Nooo, intarweb sucks for keeping sane over long periods of forced inactivity. It just reinforces the boredom because you're very aware that you're doing nothing and accomplishing even less.

Go read!
i never actually finished the god delusion, i could read that...
Duck Fawkins, read a real man's literature:

1200 page science fiction epics do the trick too.


I'm currently reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It's not really about motorcycles, or maintenance. It's very philosophical, an understanding of the world presented through the perspective of a road trip. It's very good.
Go to It's a chat site that just sets you up with a stranger. Troll them all day long. Lots of females too. You might find someone. :D
looks cool but i can't extend my arm enough to play on my desktop...i'm stuck with my less than impressive acer aspire :(
There are hundreds of thousands of games that can run on your netbook with the help of the right programs and there's always something brilliant you haven't played. Can't be more specific than that, just meaning to jog memories *nudge* *wink*.
thx for the links

i wonder if i can play gta with a sling...hmmmmm
Read The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, a really kickass online novel about humanity after the technological singularity.

Browse the Something Awful forums, there is literally years upon years of mindless amusement to be had because of the huge userbase and generally high thread quality. Last few years at work were spent reading SA about 70% of the time.

I like browsing sites like Reddit, StumbleUpon and Digg as well.
Smoke up / drink up and listen to chill music until you fall asleep.
Omegle is great. I did this in my third convo. I'm already having fun.



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+1 for reading. It's a great way to pass the time and far more engaging than TV for looking up shit on the internet.
So, I've decided to see if I can dupe someone into believing a ridiculous story involving aliens or government abduction. Ideas?
So, I've decided to see if I can dupe someone into believing a ridiculous story involving aliens or government abduction. Ideas?

martians with large nipples?
A little far-fetched. Maybe something along the lines of making enemies of a south american coup?
Omegle is great. I did this in my third convo. I'm already having fun.


i tried this and the first thing i read was "LET'S ****"

silly bastards on the internets
Omg... Omegle or whatever is soooooo amazing. I just hope they can't IP hack you or anything.
Site is fun. Unfortunately, it's trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls. Unless you're on in the middlw of the night (USA). In the night hours, it seems to always be filled with Finnsh women. :/

This is why I don't get on Omegle much these days
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hi
You: How was your day?
Stranger: Very depressed
You: Hmm, I could relate.
You: What are you depressed about?
Stranger: Screwed up exam
Stranger: so very sad.
You: ...
You: High school?
You: College?
Stranger: high school
You: Well... I got out of high school two years ago... I failed hard.
You: I had to finish my classes online.
You: So...
Stranger: why?I had to finish my classes online.
Stranger: What school you went?
You: Rossview High
Stranger: yes what time is there?
You: 12:02
You: am
Stranger: Anjolrini you?
You: wat
Stranger: gggg
You: wat
Stranger: what?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I was confuse.
Site is fun. Unfortunately, it's trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls. Unless you're on in the middlw of the night (USA). In the night hours, it seems to always be filled with Finnsh women. :/

This is why I don't get on Omegle much these days
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hi
You: How was your day?
Stranger: Very depressed
You: Hmm, I could relate.
You: What are you depressed about?
Stranger: Screwed up exam
Stranger: so very sad.
You: ...
You: High school?
You: College?
Stranger: high school
You: Well... I got out of high school two years ago... I failed hard.
You: I had to finish my classes online.
You: So...
Stranger: why?I had to finish my classes online.
Stranger: What school you went?
You: Rossview High
Stranger: yes what time is there?
You: 12:02
You: am
Stranger: Anjolrini you?
You: wat
Stranger: gggg
You: wat
Stranger: what?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I was confuse.

Omg. I've come across 4 trolls. I for one, sadly, am trolling it to death. I will soon grow bored of the site, but im having so much fun. I've also come across 3, 19 year old Chinese boys, and 1 Pedophile named Kira the 15 year old. Also, one of the trollers told me to keep saying this everytime I got into a new chat. omegle=aim for people with no friends.
Read. Mix it up with watching some good TV such as West Wing, The Wire, Babylon 5 etc.