Help me out a bit here...


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Which singleplayer fps that isn't hl2 is good, in your respected respecting opinions? :)

Yes, I'm bored.
Well not exactly a standard fps at all, but if you haven't played Thief 3 I'd highly recommend it.
Metroid Prime 1 and 2 (if they count).

Goldeneye/Perfect Dark.

F.E.A.R (Kiss my ass haters)

Battlefield 1942/2.

Call of Duty 1/2.
New Rainbow six. Just got it today. And its good so far.
Hidden and Dangereous 1/2?

They're oldies but goldies.
Star Trek Elite Force 1 & 2 ( but especially the first)
Soldier of Fortune 2
Hidden and Dangereous 1/2?

They're oldies but goldies.

ooo I second this. I played the second one first, and thusly didnt like the first one. But the second one is one of my favorite fps games ever
My vote is with FEAR...if you're REALLY bored, go for Quake 4 and Prey.
Penumbra - and it's free
Deus ex 2 (I found the first boring, but really got into 2, so choose which suits you better I guess)
You'll like Rainbow Six: Vegas. Very tactical, and very detail-oriented in terms of weaponry.
Hidden and Dangereous 1/2?

They're oldies but goldies.


Splinter Cell: Double Agent, best of the bunch and probably the coolest and smoothest game I have ever played. Gears of War kicks ass, CoD1 and 2 kick ass. I could go on..
No One Lives Forever 1/2
Deus Ex (the sequel is a good game too, just not as good)
Goldeneye/Perfect Dark
Timesplitters 2/3
Red Faction 1
Renegade (multiplayer only)
Americas Army

There are others ... can't think of them though.

and I also strongly recommend Condemned
Operation Flashpoint
Giants : Citizen Kabuto
Aliens vs Predator 2
You'll like Rainbow Six: Vegas. Very tactical, and very detail-oriented in terms of weaponry.
That's the biggest lie I've read today, whilst it certainly is a small step closer to being tactical in comparison with the previous CONSOLE versions, it's nowhere near 'VERY tactical', note that I consider the original R6 series, i.e. R6, R6Rogue Spear and perhaps Raven Shield very tactical, BUT, Vegas is none the less a very good game, though the PC version is pretty badly optimized.
Thief 3, one of my favourite games of all time.
Wow, thanks a lot people, I never though I 'd get so many respinses.

Btw, I have played Raven Shield, loved it, Thief 1 & 3 as well. I gotta get some of these...... Argh, where to start...
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition if you have Xbox 360. It brings back the good old days when there was a boss at the end of each level like when I played the Mega Man series on Super Nintendo. The game has good graphics though and even better gameplay.
F.E.A.R is great, even if its too repetitive. Alot of people are just annoyed that it easily could've been alot better than it was if Monolith put more effort into it.

Thief: Deadly Shadows is awesome.

First 2 Call of Duty games are great.

Gears of War is alot of fun, but really short.

UT2K4 is the best multiplayer game on the planet.