Help me prove this guy wrong.

Jun 30, 2003
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I'm sure that you have all heard that the Canadian government has given Ubisoft 4 Million dollars. I told someone and he started to say that was bullshit and he started to use his reasons. Someone came in and said that it wasn't bullshit.
The guy who said it was bullshit said that Canada giving money to a game company (no matter how good they are)was bullshit because the government of Canada should focus on things such as health care. He says that Canada's health care is horrible at the moment. The other guy said that by giving Ubisoft the money, it will benefit the Canadian government and mentioned taxes.
I'm asking you guys because you guys can string up debates that end up being 5 pages long and you guys seem to know a lot about this stuff. I'm not sure if this should be considered politics. If it is, feel free to move this into the politics forum.
Unlike most of the kids at my school, I don't make up stupid bullshit in debates. Why do I want to prove this guy wrong? Because I can.
okay, step one, tell us what you want to prove.

my opinion is that canada should never give money to video games, but give it to the citizens.
I think that it's okay that Canada gives money to a game company, but he said it was bullshit. He didn't say that Canada should never give money to companies, he said the entire thing was bullshit. Then he said Canada's health care was crap.
Is that true? I'm pretty sure it's not, but if it is, oh well.
I think its a great idea. Ubi Canada is one of the major companys in Canada. They bring a lot of money to Canada, not to mention that it has over 2000 employes. What the goverment is doing, is giving money so they can expand theirself. At this end its all for the econommy. Remember that the money will be giving little by little.
Even if the brand is French, its still a Canadian studio (you coul say that the studio baught the brand)

I wished France would do this, instead of killing the compannys with their stupid taxes.
adrien, what you said kinda sparked something.

now i think that 25% of money should go to games, but 50% should be for human services, he rest can go to anything
I've got a crazy idea.

How about the government butts out of people's lives, and stops taking money THEY earned. Why.. letting them keep their own money.. no.. socialism.. mind boggling, I know..

Seriously now.
Prince, it would help if you had an actual opinion on the matter.
Just tell him to shut the **** up. win.
RakuraiTenjin said:
How about the government butts out of people's lives, and stops taking money THEY earned. Why.. letting them keep their own money.. no.. socialism.. mind boggling, I know..

I couldn't agree more.
TheAmazingRando said:
I couldn't agree more.

Yeah, and how would the contry live? Your comment is to "French" they don't want to pay taxes and still want security and public needs. They need to realize that they need to work their ass off first.
Adrien C said:
Yeah, and how would the contry live? Your comment is to "French" they don't want to pay taxes and still want security and public needs. They need to realize that they need to work their ass off first.

I see your point. Let's not get this thread closed or switched to politics.
if you dont want to pay the government taxes, you will have to end up paying corporations money for services that the government usually supplies