Help me skin my laptop!


Jun 29, 2003
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After nearly two decades of being stuck on the family's crappy computer, I finally have my own fancy schmancy laptop, and I want to skin it. What skins do you have/really like?

I guess this might end up kind of like a Post Your Desktop Thread, but you also need to link to the download file for the skin.

It's a 17" widescreen with a resolution of 1680x1050 if that changes anything.
Or nailing human skin on the casing? I can help.

*looks for a hobo*
Greatgat said:
Or nailing human skin on the casing? I can help.

*looks for a hobo*
Ye gads...though that reminds me...I went to The Universe Within today; I should ressurrect that thread.
Don't get winblinds, find a way to modify your theme.xusdaskdn whatever it was, it makes it 10000x easier
I used to use StealthOS. I use 5imple Alpha now :)
I use a dual screen background so i don't think that'd be any help to you.
All I know is I don't know how to extract/make themes myself and I don't trust those silly programs anymore. I would love to change what that "this screen is locked" thing when you hit win+l. That would be hot. I want it to look scary so people stay away.
I "obtained" a copy of StyleXP...

Although, I hear WinDock is pretty nice.
I thought i saw a hobo but it was just a real person
lol, thanks Ikerous that was my laugh of the day. :laugh: In fact, it's sigged!

There ya go! Good luck with skinning him! :D