help...missing dll-file

May 22, 2003
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hey long story short I'm missing "sldlext.dll" from my bioshock installation...anyone that have bioshock installed and running who'd be willing to upload this file or send it to me?:borg:

god I have never had so much trouble installing a game before...
another thing...anyone now if service pack 1 is needed for the game running vista? the min specs only list service pack requirements for xp.
I did.

now anyone actually want to be useful!?

also I installed the service pack and it didn't fix the problem... I have had luck in the past downloading dll-files from but they don't have it.

I also ran both the directX and c++ runtime distrub. from the DVD in the hopes that maybe either of those would have the damn dll... but no luck.
please if anyone has it let me know...