Help please... (Hammer)


Nov 1, 2003
Reaction score
I'm was going to try to get a jumpstart on hl2 modding and try the current Hammer for hl1...
What the hell am i going to use as folder for game executable now that steam handles everything..?

Don't tell me I have to reinstall the old way ?

Ps. Badger I'm really sorry for posting this here, but for christ's sake.. you moved me to the custom map forum ?? not exactly lots of movement in there..
Thankyou so much!!

Wow, what the right forum can do for you... ;)
Allright, I've been trying... but still not quite there...

When I try to compile a map, it never runs..

the last thing the compile process window say is

"** Parameters: +map "box" -dev -console"
and then, nothing happens....

in the game build part of the tools/options, my designated exe is


Can anyone help me...

(Oh man, noone's even going to see this post, ever.... ;( )

EDIT: This isn't really the problem anymore... ?

If steam is running and I try to compile (f9), it says the following:

"Failed not run game. You have multiple installs of Steam on your drive, and the game you tried to run is from a different version."

I haven't translated or anything, it actually says that retarded first sentence..

If steam isn't running, nothing happens after trying to compile for a while...
Dammit.... There are like 2 people a day in the mapping forums no chance of help..
At least i'm not in general discussion right..?

Am i moved..? ;(
Fudge! :angry:

Anyways, shouldn't there be more people here capable of helping out? Lot's of people here know stuff..

Man, why is everyone watching porn when you need 'em...?
Heh, sorry, just doing my job :P

Anyway... I'm pretty knowledgable when it comes to mapping, except I don't use Steam.

Steam seems to hate me, why? I only mildly dislike Steam... so why doesn't it like me ;(
Anyway... I'm pretty knowledgable when it comes to mapping, except I don't use Steam.

You're a mapper Badger? For HL1/2 ?

So you use the old installs or what? I really can spare the space on my drives, but I just don't feel like going down that road again, now that Steam is supposed to handle everything..

There aren't any good tutorials for mapping with steam on the net either, I've looked alot :P ..

Edit: I actually really like steam, but it doesn't really seem to be mutual.. :sleep:

I can play Opposing Force now, even though I never bought it...? is it really supposed to be this way? I have the full install steam version..
There is nothing wrong if the game doesnt run when you compile. I thought there was a problem too, its just the way it works. You should find the compiled map in the directory you chose for it to be placed. If you want to run the map, then just go into steam and use the console typing "map [Your map name here]"
Oh ... thx sparrow


I have tried running the map after starting steam, and typing map box (box is the name of the map....), but it doesn't find it.. where do I have to put the map? is it in steam, steamapps, half-life, valve, maps or something?

I'm only modding for regular half-life now, not cs or anything.. I'm just learning stuff now to make things easier when hl2 comes along..

Edit: Is it the .bsp that i'm supposed to move? there are a bunch of files in my compiled maps folder...
This is where all my compiled maps go...

D:\Half-Life Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life\valve\maps

Hopefully that should give an idea.

When you say what file to move. What do you mean exactly? Your compiled maps should be going to the map directory in the valve folder. If they arent, then move all the files, not just the .bsp. I dont think they are all needed there, but it makes things easier to keep track of.
Yeah, I mapped for HL1, I just don't use Steam at all, it really doesn't like my network ;(

Sorry I can't be of help ;(

I generally do maps for Opposing Force.
Yeah, I currently learning how to map! Hammer is cool :P

W00T I made a map with 3 rooms, a disco, and a dead scientist! and the worlds tallest ladder! and.. uhh.. a huge tree house!
I've made so many things i can't even remember anymore. I remember back when i was new to mapping, and i would just mess around making random rooms. I still mess around with ideas, but now its setting up complex sequences and stuff. So much fun can be had with mapping in the half life engine. Especially if you get your hands on Sven Coop, and Spirit of Half-Life. They are very good. :D

How come you like to dabble with Opposing Force Badger?
Thanx to all you guys replying.. means alot :) Didn't think I'd get any replys in this forum...

Sparrow, that's the folder I thought... ( valve\maps)
But I started with compiling all my maps to another folder c:\Hlmaps ... I felt that would be good management, but allright...

Right now (trying with only the bsp in the maps folder) I get an error when I try to run my map...

I'll get back to you.. thx for all your help so far, all of you.

EDIT: WEEEE MY FIRST MAP!! wow, it really is ugly!

allright, thx guys... I get an error if steam is running when I compile, but no problems if I shut it off before compiling...

allright, Hammer, here i come!
Heh best of luck.

Well, I like the weapons in Opposing Force, and the range of enemies :)

Plus I like the Soldier team mates... and the Black Ops :o

I'll whip up a few maps to show you lot if you want... once my computer is fixed!
..once your computer is fixed ;)

Sven Coop has a lot of opposing force stuff now, including the friendly grunts and black ops. Pluse you can make any monster your ally and tell them to follow you. It even has a few of the opposing force guns. Another fun fun feature is the minigun. Now that is fun.
I don't really like Sven Co-op, becuase I prefer SP maps :)

Any suggestions? I'm good with architecture I think :o

My thread was hijacked by moderators. Don't see that everyday.. ;)

I get an error message everytime I compile, but i can run my maps just fine.. should I ignore it..? it says a file isn't found..
Could you copy and paste the error? That would help a lot. Or take a screenshot or something, if its some kind of windows error.

You can make maps that are basically single player for sven coop....but i suppose i know what you mean.

Suggestions for what? Maps to make?
It's a windows box..

"The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"Det går inte att hitta filen."

Do you want to continue?

Ja Nej"

:P Half english, half swedish... that's exactly what it says...

Det går inte att hitta filen. - means that the file could not be found...

"Ja Nej"
Yes No

If I choose yes to continue, it just finishes compiling and nothing bad seems to happen..

Edit: It seems that when it compiles it wants to copy the map .pts file, but can't..

btw, how do you attach files..?
Um, go to 'Go Advanced' at the bottom of the thread, the option is in there :)

Oh, and yes, maps to make.. suggestions! My creativity runs low at the moment, too busy writing :P
this is what it looks like....

btw, are you supposed to be able to play Opposing Force with the full steam install?? I've never bought op4 for real!?

Edit: And I can play Op4..... which is weird..
I'm not sure what the deal with opposing force is. Perhaps they are doing it out of god faith or something.

As for the other problem.

Sorry for this, but could you copy everything in the Compile Process window. You should be able to select all the text and copy it.
Its just that the screenshot doesn't offer quite enough.
Yeah, you can copy the results :)

'fixing GUI now :D '

Edit: just saw your map :/ don't get into the habit of using Hollow.. seriously :)
Mkay.. i've been busy, not been to the forum (or tried hammer) for a few days... School's a bit taxing right now..

Anyway, I copied the text in the compile window, it's in the attached word file..

Edit: I'm not supposed to use hollow..? I just followed a lame little tutorial for that stuff.. What's the best method for connecting rooms then?
"I'm not supposed to use hollow..? I just followed a lame little tutorial for that stuff.. What's the best method for connecting rooms then?"

Best way is to build brush by brush and if you want to make a doorway in one brush for example use carve.

My ramblings probably won't help much though you can find some good tutorials at
Some general questions...

If I put my valve\maps folder as the place to put my maps, should there be anything else than the bsp files in there after I compile? Because all I see is bsp...

what's wrong, if upon running a map, I'm stuck in a corner (spawnpoint is not in the corner)? I followed a tutorial now where I built all the walls and floor and ceiling seperately, they're not connected even if there's no space inbetween them... are they leaking ?
Sorze said:
Some general questions...

If I put my valve\maps folder as the place to put my maps, should there be anything else than the bsp files in there after I compile? Because all I see is bsp...

All you need is the .bsp.

Sorze said:
Some general questions... what's wrong, if upon running a map, I'm stuck in a corner (spawnpoint is not in the corner)? I followed a tutorial now where I built all the walls and floor and ceiling seperately, they're not connected even if there's no space inbetween them... are they leaking ?

Have you placed an info_player_start in your map? If you haven't then that tends to happen. You can still spawn without one in your map, but you get stuck in the geometry.
Yeah I fixed the spawning error.. there was something wrong with the spawn point, I think i didn't create it or some stupid thing... Also, the level was freaking small.. (might have something to do with it..)

But now, new troubles ahead.

My lighting seems to disappear, in a manner of speaking. If I make a light in a scene, compile and all that and run, the lighting is fine.. but now, after awhile, it completely ignores my light (happened in two scenes)!
I can't remember the name for it, but the map is totally lit without any lightsources.
I feel so damn helpless in a new program like this.. sheesh..

Btw, someone mentioned the collective ( ) as a good site for tutorials.. I can't find any good (newb) tutorials there at all..
If your map is fullbright, then you've most likely set the RAD options to "no" Set it back to normal (Extra is for smoother lighting)

Take a look at this screenshot if you're not sure what I mean.