Help, please! (...'specially Viper)


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, I downloaded Viper's blank key.con thing that erases all key binds so you can do them over. I couldn't find the folder that he specified in the Read Me. However, I searched the Battlefield Folder for controls.con (the file name) and one came up. I copied the originial .con file to my desktop and placed the new one in my folder. Great.

That actaully worked for me. All the key were unbinded. But, then I though... I can't even begin to bind these back... I'll mess something up. So, I took the old .con file and replaced the "new" one.

Then, I went back into BF2 and looked at the control to make sure that they were back. Nope. All blank.

So I thought, hey, maybe it'll replace it manually if I delete it and then open up BF2. So, I deleted it. Now when I go into BF2 and clock Controls in options, my game crashes.


What I'm asking is some to put up their Program Files/EA GAMES/Battlefield 2 Demo/Mods/ folder. If that's too big to place on here, maybe we can go smaller, like, Mods/Settings folder.

Thanks a lot. This'll be a lot faster/eaiser than downloading it over...