How would one go about making a weapon that is basicly just your arms and hands, that can grab a enemy by the neck and squeeze/strangle him.? Ive never made a weapon before so this is new to me. Is it basicly making the appropriate animations of the arms and hands and the victims emotions as hes being throttled (could have a blast with this ), and then combining some simple code for the weapon to have a area in the center of the outreached hands acting as a attach/damage point to any relevant NPC neck..? Once grabbed, the victim goes through animations until a ragdoll..! I also want to make the face of the victim slowly turn redish and have his eyes bulge a little, Im sure this could be done with material proxys (I hope)..
Can anyone offer any technical assistance and a basic theory as to how one would go about accomplishing this..! Many thanks..
Can anyone offer any technical assistance and a basic theory as to how one would go about accomplishing this..! Many thanks..