Help plz


Oct 17, 2004
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Im in nova prospect on chapter 10. When holding ur position for the 2nd time wheres the best position to place the 3 turret guns coz they keep on getting knocked down. Any tips apreciated.
You can replace your guns with manipulator or just by using use on them.
Block the side with no balcony off with the crates then just set the turrets up to cover the other direction and reset them when they get knocked over.
Hide in one of the holes the turrets came out of and bring out your shotgun. You don't even need to set up your turrets. Just nail them with your shotgun, grab their shotguns with the gravgun for more ammo. If you get hurt, between waves of combine, heal yourself with the generators on the wall.
Best solution for this part of the level is the following:

Place one of the turrets into the corner of the main room they are all 3 in. So put 1 against the corner, so it can shoot anyone who tries to come in, and also can't be tipped over, because of the way it's placed. Place another one the EXACT same way in the other corner, to block the other side of guys coming in. Lastly, put the other one against the wall again, just on the opposite side, and since there is 2 on one side and 1 on the other, just use your own weapons to block and cover for that side. This is by far the easiest solution to beating this level.