Help! propdata.txt error: CS models in HL2


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
I used GCFScape to copy the CS models over to HL2, but when I run my map I get errors relating to propdata.txt

It appears to prevent prop_physics models from loading.

I found the file using GCFScape in the "scripts" folder for cstrike, and copied it over to hl2, but that did not appear to fix anything.

The error also states "invalid prop_data type"

Anyone run into this problem before?

Sorry to bump this post, but I really need help with this problem ASAP.

Please help.
I really hate bumping threads, but I'm noticing a trend of serious/advanced questions going unanswered. I myself have asked only a few questions on this forum, and _none_ of them were ever fully answered. However, I do understand that more "advanced" questions have fewer people who can answer them. So if you have information on this problem, please help.

No speculation please. I have another question post that received many replies but none were helpful. Though I greatly appreciate the effort on the part of those who posted, question posts with many replies appear answered and don't attract the attention of people who may be able to help. (which is another reason I hate adding bump replies to this post)

Thanks in advance for any help!