Help regarding choke/rates etc



Hi, im on 128K NTL connection, and my rates are on default. However i get choke generally from 1-20, but sometimes it will fluctuate up to 40, but i dont see any lag etc.

Now, my question is will this amount of choke actually affect my aiming etc, and what would i need to do to each rate setting to decrease my choke.

Thanks and kudos to any helpers.
your default "rate" is 10000. Try setting it a little higher, like 12000 or 14000. use "net_graph 3" to check if it's working. You could also try to lower "cl_updaterate" by 4 or 5.

There are a lot of good cs1.6 guides to fix this, and it's the same for cs:s, so you may want to try google.
cl_updaterate 30
cl_cmdrate 40

cl_cmdbackup 2

cl_rate 10000
rate 20000

cl_interpolate 1
cl_interp 0.06

cl_smooth 0

I get excellent bullet reg with that, along with a low ping + zero choke and loss, worth a try. Don't listen to people who bleat about 101 as cmd/update rate.
He'll need lower rates than that, if your on a 128k connection and get no choke with those rates rawmassen...then your connection and ISP must be uber:)

sub 20 for updaterate and cmdrate

bout 8000 for cl_rate

6500 for rate

Im on 256k and use cl_cmdrate 27 cl_updaterate 21 cl_rate 10000 and rate 7500 (they're practically default for my connection).

Choke will affect your gameplay as you'll essentially be out of sync with the server. Choke is usually primarily reduced by lowering cl_updaterate
I used 750k and I get no choke or anything by default, what is choke and loss anyhoo? I've only ever had 2 choke once, and that's when ntl were doing something...
Ah good point, 512K here (very stable connection also)...
i have cable at 3000/200 and i use rate 20000, cl_updaterate 101, cl_cmdrate 101... i get no choke or loss normally... when does ti get to the point when you have to start lowering these rates?
I've had choke problems 2 and I tryed almost every setting but the choke was same... It's usually server side problem...
rate 20000
cl_cmdrate 101
cl_updaterate 101 - this is the only command you will need to change, depending on the speed of your connection and choke/loss values in the server.
All your rates will affect your game regardless of whether or not it creates choke...

To answer the question of what choke and loss are:

choke is when the server is trying to send you more updates a second than your connection can handle; you get a backlog which lags your game while it is sorted out- this might be a constant problem or may only occur when you are involved in a lot of activity, this is a good indication of how much you need to change cl_updaterate and also rate.

Loss is where you are losing packets to or from the server, this is usually indicative of a problem with your connection or a poor server.

Also remember that cl_cmdrate affects your upload of information to the server, so if you are trying to send more updates than your connection can handle, then there is a higher chance of losing packets and could well be responsible for a lot of those poor reg moments when half your clip just dissappears into thin air when your stood point blank dead on with kill in hand...........but then not as you're left pondering how you could have fired so many rounds into someone without actually scratching them even.

I'm a bit pissed and feeling harassed by the girl who says shes likes me a lot (sometimes I hate mobile phones:( ) , but thats another story point is I dont take any responsibility for having explained myself very well;)

OH and HAPPY (belated) NEW YEAR ALL