Help texture my model


Nov 1, 2004
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Hi, i have some problems texturing my "scene". (im using XSI btw)

Its a basketball field:

I am texturing the "plank" that is holding the "basket" that the ball is comming through (sry for my english).

I have a texture and it went good:

Now, i want to texture the Basket BALL. So i select it, and then do the same thing, but when i select a new texture, the PLANK change to the same texture i am giving the basket ball:

I think the problem is that i have created one "thing" that has a texture given, and i apply that "thing" to the Plan, then when i change the basket ball, i just change the texture of the "thing" to the Basketball texture, so the "thing" has changed texture so all its applyed objects will have that texture, so:

How do i create a new "thing" that i can have another texture on?

Or is it something ells?

Thanks (btw, its a free trail of the program, so i cant save anything so fast help would be great :) , and there are some limitations so thats maybe why?

Well, first off, go activate your XSI. I assume you downloaded the 4.2 Mod Tool. All you have to do is go to, sign up there fill out a quick survey and they email you a key. Stick this key in your program and your good to go.

As for texturing, I know nothing, but activating your program should help a little.
Thanks, i did that, and now i can save stuff. But the problem is still there :(

Does anyone know a good site with tutorials?
maybe u had the plank selected as well as the ball or prehaps the ball and the plank are merged. what u should do is press u and select all the faces on the ball go to modify polymesh disconnect components and then go to create polymesh extract polygons (delete). if the ball and the plank were the the same mesh then this will disconect them and make them into two seperate meshes. also another way to texture the object so that you only have one texture file is to make the object into just one object by mergeing them. create a blank file on photoshop and size it 1024 by 512 or sumthin and save it. load it as the texture for your model and put like cubic as the texture projection. then go to application/views/texture editor and ur texture should be there with the mesh ontop of it. then do stamp uv mesh and save it. then open it up in photoshop and create the skin.