Help wanted with GDC demo using Source..



Birthstar: Frontline is a tech demo that is to be presented at the GDC 2006 in March. It's gameplay aims for a class-based military co-op shooter experience in a futuristic urban environment. The project is represented by Seamus Blackley, our agent (inventor of the X-Box who also recently closed the Halo movie deal) and Larry Shapiro, who are now heading up the gaming department at CAA, an agency based in Los Angeles. Our producer is a man by the name of David Carson, who has 20-30 years in the TV and Cinema industries as a director. During E3 we landed a contracting opportunity with Gearbox Software, and need to fill out some positions on the team.

What the Birthstar team is looking for is one more position to be filled in each department except for sound design. If you think you'd like to join a great team that has a passion for game development and gaming, please drop us a line at [email protected], or reply to this thread and ask some questions!

Concept Art



Grey Renders

wow! if what you are saying is true, good for you, GDC huh? pretty big gig, how long have you been working on it?
We use forums for communication, building a website isn't really a priority at this point, something promotional will come later as GDC closes in. We recently switched to source from UT2k4, and that was two months ago, so, :)
A lead level designer position needs to be filled here at Birthstar. We've got two guys currently mapping for us, but we need someone to coordinate the team effort, and do a lot of mapping! Very Happy

Basically, this person would need to be able to report back to the team constantly on the department's progress, and design parts of the city as well. Good communication skills are needed, a steady work ethic, and some solid previous work.

If this appeals to you, please reply to this post, or contact me at [email protected], aim: icedale1, msn: [email protected]
I can answer questions pertaining to that privately, via MSN or AIM or whatever, which is what we did, :)