Help With An Anthropology Assignment..


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Aug 29, 2004
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Hello fellow HL2.netters,

Knowing that has a very multicultural community, I was hoping that one of you would be able to help me out. I have an assignment for an Anthropology 100-level class due soon that involves interviewing someone who was born in another country and has immigrated to the United States.

It's a fairly simple paper, but I, strangely enough, do not really have any friends or living relatives who are not natural-born citizens. I do have a friend who immigrated from Argentina, but he's unavailable for the time being. So I was hoping someone on here could help. All you would have to do is answer some (or all) of the questions below. I'd forever owe you a favor if you could do so.

Now I know that it would be totally possible for me just to completely make this up, but I feel like it would be pretty awesome to learn some authentic and original stories regarding the American immigration process. Like I said before, I only know one person, only partially well, who immigrated here. It'd be kind of cool to have a thread where members would be able to share their stories as well.

By the way, the paper will be totally anonymous and I will be using a fake name for the subject (for obvious privacy reasons). It's essentially just a summary of an interview broken down into three parts: 1. Life in [country of origin] 2. Migration and 3. Life in the U.S. The paper will also not be published in any way or form; this is entirely for academic purposes only.

Thanks for any potential help out there. Here's a list of some questions that I'd like to get answered. I guess whoever provides the most information would be the subject I'd use for the assignment.

1. What was your opinion of the United States before migrating?
2. Do you still have family in your country of origin? How are they and why didn't they follow?
3. Did you have to leave many friends behind?
4. What activities/hobbies, jobs, education, etc. were you apart of in your country of origin? How about now in the United States? Do you still like to do similar things?
5. How did you gain citizenship? Was the process fairly easy or not?
6. Did any family accompany you to the states? Why or why not? And if they did, was it harder for some members of your family to enter?
7. What was/were your reason(s) for leaving your country of origin?
8. What was your method of transportation getting here?
9. What things did you find easy to adapt to during the transition? What wasn't easy? Can you say that you have adapted "well" by now?
10. Were you able to make new friends and acquaintances easily?
11. How have you integrated American culture into your pre-existing norms and beliefs? (Your biculturality).

Most of these questions are pretty open ended.. so feel free to write in a narrative form or however you would like.
Thanks again ;). Also, if you wish for me to do so, I can PM you the finalized paper for your approval or if you'd just like to see it.
1. What was your opinion of the United States before migrating?
I had none, I was 5 at the time.
2. Do you still have family in your country of origin? How are they and why didn't they follow?
Yes, they're fine. They couldn't afford it but now they're on the waiting list.
3. Did you have to leave many friends behind?
4. What activities/hobbies, jobs, education, etc. were you apart of in your country of origin? How about now in the United States? Do you still like to do similar things?
Running. I still run.
5. How did you gain citizenship? Was the process fairly easy or not?
It was easy back then.
6. Did any family accompany you to the states? Why or why not? And if they did, was it harder for some members of your family to enter?
Grandma, escort pretty much. Stayed with my parents once here. Nothing was hard back then.
7. What was/were your reason(s) for leaving your country of origin?
Better opportunity.
8. What was your method of transportation getting here?
A plane.
9. What things did you find easy to adapt to during the transition? What wasn't easy? Can you say that you have adapted "well" by now?
I didn't want to leave grandma and thought my parents were a bunch of strangers.
10. Were you able to make new friends and acquaintances easily?
11. How have you integrated American culture into your pre-existing norms and beliefs? (Your biculturality).
I was raised pretty darn Indian for being raised in America. Of course my parents being FOBs made that easy. I am essentially a cross between the two cultures and can relate to and understand either.
hey i can help you out too -- busy at the moment but i'll respond tomorrow!