Help With Cleaning A PS2.


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Ok, I bought my PS2 when PS2's first came out, and it has never been cleaned.. I got used to it taking like 10 minutes to run a game, but it has now gotten so dirty, that it doesn't run games at all, I have never cleaned a PS2 before (or any other machine for that matter) and I need some tips, on anything you can possibly do to clean, take apart, ect.. to a PS2, I've figured out how to take the screws out and take the case off, and to take the tray case off, I think I need to clean the eye, but I would also like to just give the whole thing a good cleaning.

Thanks for the input.
Buy some canned air and blow the dirt out of the fan in the back, the vents in the front. That's the best I could do w/out opening it up. Not that I have a warranty anyway since I got it a year after it came out. Basically any openings you see blow the air into them. Also buy a CD Laser Lens cleaner and run that.